
Discussion for article #224450

Have the baby then hand it over to the pro-life ’ councillors ’ .

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“…How is it that a 100-foot buffer zone around an already heavily protected federal building is kosher…”

Because conservatism requires two sets of laws – one that applies to the elite, and one that applies to everyone else.


So then it’s cool to harass pro-lifers? PARTY!



Which they rarely do, save for cutting social programs related to children.


They tried that in Ireland handing the children over to the Nuns. It didn’t work real well.


Rights are taken, not given. I wonder if anyone will be troubled to counter protest those full-reward christians with STFU rallies at the clinics.

I wonder whether anyone will be troubled to go on strike, if SCOTUS crushes unions today like they’re expected to.

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My fellow Satanist counselors and I will be in front of the Baptist Church on South Main next week. Y’all come!


This is just an extension of the ridiculous idea that free speech includes the right to call people at home or bang on their door soliciting.

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Things will have to get much worse before people will begin to fight back. That little saying about , “they came for the jews and everybody and i did nothing, then they came for me and no one was left”…applies.

So now it’s legal to harass pregnant women? I suggest these women Stand Their Ground against these religious fanatics in the states that allow it. Time to blow them off it they won’t respect the private space and anyone’s suspicion that they might do bodily harm to others?

We need a test case in the SCOURT. Would love to see Scalia and the conservative boys have to choose between the 2nd Amendment or declare open season on anti-abortion activists.


What the hell, did Ginzburg, Kagan, and the other heretofore normal-seeming justices have a collective brain fart or something? One wonders if any of them have ever actually watched these fetus-worshipers in action outside a clinic. The idea that haranguing strangers on their way into a medical office–where the privacy of their records and treatment are protected by federal law, btw–is vital to the preservation of free speech is other-worldly.

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What we’re afraid of is that People who want to save babies will kill you instead!!! They have before and probably will again.

Yup, up close and personal. If it were me and a protester so much as touched me I’d mace them.

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Explain to me again why it is OK for the SCOTUS itself to exercise a “Buffer Zone” but not for Clinics?

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Wait a minute, isn’t there buffer zones around funerals?
How can a buffer zone regulated by local ordinance be constitutional but not a buffer zone around an abortion clinic?

Don’t counter-protest at the clinics, do it at the churches that organize it. Block the doors, “counsel” people who approach about the dangers and fallacies of religion. After all, we’re only trying to save you!