Discussion for article #224264
This guy is clearly Senate material. Minimum. Maybe even Presidential candidate!
Falcon9 reporting for duty:
People get appalled at the goings on in Mississippi, but I have to share Arizona with THESE assholes.
Shouldn’t the name be Neander-thal?
este hombre no tiene la menor idea como funciona el mundo moderno.
I know, right? At last, an honest Republican politician who clearly and uncompromisingly states the core beliefs of his party, who speaks to and for the base, his speech stripped clean of all the mamby pamby circumlocutions and obfuscation. How can Real Americans, the True Majority of the voters, possibly resist the appeal of a man with the courage of his convictions?
Somebody give this man an exploratory committee and an unaffiliated 501©(3), stat!
The voice of the Republican party. The Dems need to broadcast this crap nationwide on commercials coast to coast.
Gol darn it, what’s with all these operas in Italian, and this Les Miserables thing, French!! Double gol darn it.
Don’t get me started on the Latin Mass. And Quiznos, what kind of language is that?!!? And Huppenthal?!!!? We ought to ban names like that. What’s wrong with an All-American name like Hooplehead? Dan
GOPers love the 1st Amendment…except when they don’t.
Hasta la vista, Sr. Huppenthal!
Is this sick guy still holding a taxpayer-funded public office? Does he realize that the name of his state is… Spanish?
Don’t tell Superintendent Herperderp that Hispanic media are already rolling out English language outlets to cater to Latino youngs … sucks if you’re old whitey in a market-driven economy
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances - unless Real Americans* oppose it.”
*We know them when we see them.
What a foul, fetid piece of excrement.
In Spanish as well as English
Tell me about it. I live in Minnesota, and our state motto is in French. It’s even on our flag (le etoile du nord or something like that). Communism! Hitler! Something!
My condolences to you and the many other sensible Arizonans. I’ve worked with a lot of educators over the years and it’s very surprising to me that an education official could survive these revelations for more than a few days. Says something about what’s considered acceptable there.
Unlike the Superintendent, excrement is useful for something. Let’s call him “toxic sludge” instead.
You know who else hated the French?
Troll…he’s a troll.