
Discussion for article #243350

Ho, hum, itā€™s another day and yet more ugly, divisive, negative, unproductive and obstructionist politics by the neā€™er do well Repubs. Ho, hum.


Yep, I predicted this. It was ALWAYS going to be somethingā€¦


Democratic leaders rejected it, raising the stakes for a game of chicken over government funding.

Iā€™m pretty sure republicans are ā€œchickenā€ ether that or great actors.

Its showtime folks! Government by fad. I see the ā€˜Al Quida coming across the Mexican boarderā€™ thing went the way of Beanie Babiesā€¦its just not ā€œinā€ anymore. So now we have the Refugees and they are all the rage. Better get 'em while they last. Soon enough another fad will come down the pike and we can let those Refugees live in peace.


Eight more daysā€¦

Oh, Iā€™m quaking in my boots! NOT!! Just see how that works for you during the 2016 elections, republi-thugs!

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What fun is governing if you canā€™t stick it to poor people and refugees?

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Fucking cowards
We vet refugees better than those we trust with our nuclear codes yet GOPers live in fear of them.


And the ā€˜Merry Christmasā€™ crowd shows us ONE MORE TIME that they have no idea what the ā€˜reason for the seasonā€™ IS.

These guys make a box of rocks look smart. Tell Mr. Ryan, just how successful have other government shutdowns and/or threats of government shutdowns been for the GOP? Answer: Nada, Zero, Zilch, None.

And here the GOP tried to convince us that Paul Ryan was the ā€˜smart oneā€™ in the House. Kind of like the Bushes are trying to convince us Jeb! is the ā€˜smart brotherā€™. Nether is correctā€¦