
Discussion for article #242656

So the Pyramids ARE filled with wheat?!?!


As silly as it is for Carson to tell, or believe, the original story, this interview with the Yalie was even worse. The entire article boils down to “yeah, it could have been a prank.” Which doesn’t have much more substance than Carson’s original claim.

Then, there’s the story of how he bought thousands of copies of The National Lampoon to save that dog…


“If At All Possible, Involve a Cow” is one of the great book titles of all time.


Don’t forget this type of embellishment is part of Sunday sermons. A guy who drank at college becomes an alcoholic, a student who smokes weed on the weekends morphs into a drug addict, and a guy who had one lucky date his twenties was a womanizer. Then they found Jesus and became pure.


Wow…So Carson had admitted that his co-author lied (because its always somebody else’s fault), while still screaming that he is the target of a witch hunt. And now people are getting in line to back up his claims??

He lied about not having a relationship with Mannatech. Straight up, bold faced lie. Whined about being called on it and starting trying to play a semantics game with “gentleman’s agreement” and “contract”(And for the record, the “agreement” had had most definitely meets the legal definition of “contract”).

He lied about having dinner with Gen. Westmoreland in Detroit, where he was later offered a full scholarship to West Point. Westmoreland wasn’t even in Detroit then, so he definitely didn’t have dinner with Carson. Nor did West Point ever offer him admittance. He whined about it again, and once again, played semantics with what “full scholarship” means and and offer was, at best, encouragement to apply.

He lied about this story…a class that wasn’t offered, in an entirely different year the hoax took place. He is blaming it on embellishment…the hoax story says several…that becomes 150. There is no photo in any of the Yale newspapers that he claimed was taken.

Each time, its the same pattern. He gets caught lying, he whines about it, and then he plays that “what the definition of is, is” game.

Personal accountability = 0. Personal credibility = rapidly approaching 0. Thin skinned quotient = rising dramatically.

After “No Drama Obama”, this guy may be the biggest primadona running right now. Which is saying quite a bit.


Its just about HOW you involve the cow…


He’s only going to do it until he needs glasses.

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I would also add, as part of the pattern I laid out…that each time a new story bubbles about his lies…the previous one is entirely forgotten. He still hasn’t been made to answer for Mannatech, and it appears he has no intentions of answering for West Point.


“If At All Possible, Involve a Cow: The Book of College Pranks,”

So is this a subtle way of telling us that the anti-gay pastor spreading cow manure over his body was a joke? I knew he was too good to be true!


The real shock of this story is that Carson actually went to Yale. Although, it should be remembered they also admitted George W. Bush.


I’ve also noticed the press is squeamish about the ‘hitting Mom with a hammer’ story in their round-ups of Carson fibs and tend to not mention it. Amazing that they don’t mention the most lurid and troublesome fib.

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I think a lot of people will find it hard to believe because he was a brain surgeon and the head of his department at Hopkins, but this guy is a real life Walter Mitty. It’s quite possible that he believes every story he has told because he can’t really tell fact from fantasy in his own memory. I guess he’s living proof of just how far someone can go even while suffering from a mild delusional disorder.


Another day, another idiotic story from Ben.

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“Over the passage of time when you look at youthful exploits—something happened and then as they retell it, if you’re a certain personality like Ben Carson, you make it more and more to your own glory,” Steinberg said.

Sorry, not buying it. Who would forget the sting and humiliation of having muddled through a tough exam, one in which all your classmates got up and left, only to discover it was a prank all along? Who would forget how stupid you felt after having the episode immortalized on film? You’d naturally and understandably feel like a fool, and you’d never forget it even if it was to look back and a have a good laugh at your own expense.


This is the greatest magazine cover…ever.

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Carson said that as President, he would seek additional places to store grain, such as “the hollowed-out heads on Mt. Rushmore.”


Oh puhleeeeeeze God, let this be true !!!

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Well, the 7th top magazine cover in the last 40 years anyway, according to the American Society of Magazine Editors:
