
It’s not what he charged but who paid the bills for him. It’s public record that Rubio let others pay his mortgages, rent and card charges on occasion. Rubio has displayed a dismal record of fiscal irresponsibility and corruption.

I don’t care if he used his GOP card to pay for hookers as long as he was good for the money himself. This guy has ties to some very interesting lobbyists and cash cows…just like Paul Ryan and his wife.

When it gets as personal as Rubio let it get, we all know that he can be made. We don’t need those kinds of shady, underworld figures haunting the White House daily.

Rubio is kinda scarier than Carson when you factor in the general election. He’s just the type of smarmy liar the MSM goes ga-ga for.


Yeah, I think he’s the GOP’s best bet.

Two words. David Rivera.


None of the Republicans want to release their personal records but they demand to see every internet communication between Hillary and the world for over four years. Just like they demanded to hear every phone conversation between Bill and Monica. Just like they demand to know the details of every office visit a woman has with their doctors.

These Republican hypocrites are the ones who have plenty to hide that is both illegal and politically corrupt. Rubio also has some close friends among the Cuban American underworld who have paid his bills. Our citizens should have full access to that sort of information before this man asks for their votes.


How does he take the punch(es) when the Scrutiny comes?

Here is where the part of the MSM which I rail against may help us. Of course the MSM is tilted to the G.O.P. That was the theme of Mann and Ornstein’s analysis.

But the MSM also love them some Drama.

And a thin-skinned little pendejo like Rubio would be a Prime Candidate…with all the bodies (not skeletons) in his closet.


Two words: David Rivera. There’s lots in that closet.

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Not being illegal is not the same thing as nothing being wrong with it, but if he wants to make the case that he was doing a credit card equivalent of check kiting, I’d like to hear it from him. But according to the article, that isn’t the argument he made. He said he pulled out the party card by mistake before saying “What I would do differently is that I just wouldn’t have done any personal things on it because I would have avoided all the confusion …” Not sure how those 2 excuses square, so it still comes down to the issue of responsibility, especially with other peoples’ finances.


Let’s not go into Benghazi land. You actually think they would alter Amex documents and then publicly release them? That’s pretty silly.

This is all just silly. Hillary using a private server was not “proper” either per some State Dept guidelines, but she did not break the law, nor was it any major breach of strict policy. And she has said the same thing, that she regrets doing it, etc. She also said she did it because she did not want to carry two devices, total BS. But not illegal, etc., so it should be a non-issue. Just like this. If all they have found is that he charged stuff on the “company card” for personal expenses, but made the payments for them from his personal finances, it’s a non-story.

This is the kind of stuff that makes Rubio look good, because by all accounts he did nothing illegal, and he will be able to claim a big deal was made about nothing. There is zero indication that there is anything wrong with what he did. He paid for his personal expenses before this even became an issue.

In 2012, the Miami Herald reported that state law enforcement investigators had examined Rivera’s campaign spending practices and that, as a result, his arrest once seemed “all but certain.” Miami-Dade prosecutors had written a “draft” complaint that contained 52 counts of theft, money laundering and racketeering, the Herald report said. But after Rivera and his attorneys fought back, officials never charged him, citing among other things “statute-of-limitations issues.”


Money laundering and racketeering.

And then there is that strange co-ownership of a house with Riveria that was going bankrupt. Marco likes to play fast and loose with money. He just doesn’t seem to know where it comes from and where it goes. As the Washington Post said…suspicion of money laundering and racketeering.


And he wants to be my latex salesman?

It’s not about the credit card charges but who paid for them and where that money came from.

You really don’t think that is important? Has corruption and criminal activities become so institutionalized in our society by Republican white collar criminals that people dismiss them as a non-story?



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Give me the details of how these card charges were paid. Where did the funds come from since Rubio tells us that at the time he didn’t have the money to pay for them with his personal card? As far as I’m concerned, Rubio has provided financial information that must now must be explained. He opened the door.




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Actually I did do that once. I realized immediately after it went through and I went to the company and gave them the receipt AND a check. I mean I did it within ten minutes. There was no excuse for it. Believe me, I knew EXACTLY what card I pulled out from that time on!

Dig a little in Miami (and Tallahassee) and it make for even more fascinating reading.

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The Washington Post reported Saturday that American Express charged Rubio and the state party more than $1,700 in delinquent and late fees incurred during the nearly four years he possessed the card.

…Tea Bagger Cred.

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