
It was smart to release the credit card info during the week that Carson’s life history is under the microscope. Well played Senator Rubio.


The fact that Rubio is doing this is significant. People whose reality is irrefutable don’t try to re-create it for the public.

FDR never had to “prove” his family was wealthy.

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But that’s the point. A corporate card is different. I carry a “personal” card and a “family” card, and sure I can sometimes goof - but so what? It’s just a way of tracking our own expenses, there are no consequences. But back when I carried a company card - NO WAY. DID NOT HAPPEN. EVER. For most people with a company card, ONE mistake like that results in a severe reprimand. Second time is termination. You just don’t make that mistake. UNLESS the card issuer is tacitly letting you. “Here you go, Marco. Now be sure you don’t use this for any personal expenses (wink,wink). After all, that would be accepting illegal gifts, right? (wink, wink)”

He had charged items such as grocery bills, plane tickets for his wife

I read somewhere that Rubio defended expenditures for his wife on the basis of, alluding to the fact that he was Speaker of the Florida House, the fact that “My wife was the First Lady of the Florida legislature.”


Will he get a pass on this? I think most would get fired for this: Charging private expenses on a corporate credit card. His personal business should have been handled separately and that is the end of the story.

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…Not if you’re a FickleConservative… There are no limits to any of their TeaParty credibility cards and they have no idea of the usurious interest rate they are being charged.

Tune in to DavyJones64 when he talks about Rubio.

And he won’t be the only Source.

Rubio has punched back at Trump, telling reporters: “I find it ironic that the only person running for president that’s ever declared a bankruptcy four times in the last 25 years is attacking anyone on finances.”

Irony is the leitmotif of just about every GOP Presidential candidate.

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Rubio has punched back at Trump, telling reporters: “I find it ironic that the only person running for president that’s ever declared a bankruptcy four times in the last 25 years is attacking anyone on finances.”

And I find it ironic that someone who subscribes to the trickle-down economics theories that have bankrupted our country would find bankruptcy ironic.



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“I used the card by mistake.” - Would be interesting to find out if he had a personal Amex during that time.


These statements are 10 years old, where are the last 10 years worth?
Marco is trying to be coy and slip through this but the questions will keep coming and should. A weasel with a shopping Jones shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the Presidency.
And, Rubio saying that he repaid the charges opens up even more questions. How did he repay them and where did that money come from?

The grift is one thing, it’s the scrutiny that will get him.


Many times, especially with AmEx, there are big time rewards for doing “volume”. The Cardholder (PAC or whoever) would reap those rewards if Rubio used the card and paid it off personally, and there is nothing whatsoever wrong with that.

I think the likely scenario is that he was cash tight, and bought some time using the card. There is absolutely nothing illegal about that if he paid it off. Much like the traffic ticket story with him, there is really nothing here.

Let’s stick to policy attack, not Benghazi style nonsense.

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Never. I had a corporate Amex at a previous job and the policy was very clear: no personal charges. But honestly, should you even have to be told that? I think that would be obvious to any responsible adult, which I guess is why it wasn’t obvious to Rubio.

Freedom of Information request: Tom Fitton- Judicial Watch? Larry Klayman- Mom’s basement?
David Bossie- Citizens United?

                    is anyone out there???

This is pretty boring compared to Ben Carson’s shenanigans.

Not to mention, it’s so mundane by comparison.

“As further evidence Rubio did nothing wrong or improper, the campaign
pointed to a 2012 Florida Ethics Commission report that dismissed a
complaint lodged against Rubio and an audit by the state party in 2010
that found his expenses were, in fact, party-related.”

Great. If we follow the rules applied to investigation of democrats, that’s one investigation down and seven to go.

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Most people have more than one card; what did Rubio charge on his other credit cards? He is not reliable with money.

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