Everyone knows Vitter’s a Poise Pad man.
This would be very nice.
Well that little bit of information ought to fill up his diapers.
If I were Edwards, I’d pull out all the stops. I’d ask a simple question: Do we want every other state laughing at us and calling our governor Diaper Dave? There’s no way I wouldn’t use every tool at my disposal to get rid of Vitter.
But since this is an off-year election in the south, I fully expect Democrats to stay home and allow Vitter the win. Sad but true.
Koch Brothers love interfering with LA politics so expect an infusion of expensive out-of-state ads in the next month. They helped prop up Jindal when he needed their help. Those slimebuckets love petrol states and fossil fuels like nobody’s mother. I’d be expecting a lot of well-funded muckraking in the next month if I were the Democratic candidate. I hope he knows how to fight back against that kind of bullshit.
Hopefully the stink of “loser” follows him back…
It says 52 and 40 now – did it really say 50 and 42 before? LOL
I guess we will be finding out if diapers can be used as crying towels. Has this guy resigned his Senate seat? Can he run again for that?
I’ll take it, but I shudder to think what grotesque policy positions Edwards must hold to be acceptable by so many Jindal voters.
What those who want to get rid of Vitter need to do is to buy space on a very large billboard on I-10 in downtown New Orleans, with the face of David Vitter Photoshopped over that of a baby in diapers with a somewhat bulging crotch that reads,
“Please help me with my erection election!”
It would be great for tourism as journalists from around the world would flock to New Orleans to see it, not to mention prepare those in Louisiana for what a Vitter governorship would be like. They shouldn’t forget to be sure the baby is standing is a puddle of an oil spill to remind folks of Vitter’s connection to BP campaign contributions.
Yes, I predict Vitter will win the run-off by 5 despite pregnant prostitutes and Dem polls.
Point was this is the runoff.
Get a Dem in there and show what they can do, ala President Obama.
May we all live to see and enjoy states like this and Texas turned around by Democratic governing. I’m actually very confident that we will.
The man wears a diaper under his white sheet while he condemns anyone and everyone who is not a family man like he is. Kind of hard to get beyond that. What else do you need to know?
The polls I have been watching have pretty regularly been showing 8-12% for Edwards in an Edwards - Vitter match up. This number is definitely within that range.
Also, this polling takes place before the ad was aired (or right as it was being aired) and before the debate. Both were pretty brutal against Vitter. I wouldn’t be surprised if the actual numbers are getting closer to 10-15% today.
It all comes down to who turns out to vote on Saturday(which is really weird, but hey, its Louisiana).
He is not vacating. If he loses, he finishes out his term as Senator and can then run again…though it would be a very tough campaign. If he wins this race, there is already another race of sorts going on to see who can convince Vitter to appoint him to the Senate. There will not be a special election to replace him.
Its Louisana!!