Discussion for article #242165
Jeeze, everything he tweets or says is a big ol’ fat stinking lie.
Drumpf today took credit for Emperor Hirohito making the decision to surrender to the Allies…
Thank you Mr. Trump, for making America Great Again and Again and AGAIN!
More fodder for his confederacy of dunces…
I hope none of this detracts from all the effort Trump put into moving the Eiffel Tower from Paris to Las Vegas.
Considering Ford made the decision for the move in 2011, shouldn’t President Obama take credit?
Trump DID buy the real Eiffel Tower, but those dirty French refused him an export permit.
Oh wait, that was Hugo Drax…SAME THING!
That would be an inconvenient truth.
To paraphrase that Hugh Wilson cowboy movie
“He’s a politician.”
Who you gonna believe? Ford? Or Trump’s lying eyes?
Get used to this…its going to be Trump’s M.O. Anything good that happens, he is taking credit. Anything bad, he is blaming others. Its been his style most of his life, but he is amping it up quite a bit now.
And of course, the media will accept it and present it as “Trump made speech, is Ford denying their motives now??”
That is OK with the Trump supporters. They KNOW that all them “Facts and Stuff” are just East-Coast Gay Lib’rul Propaganda anyway.
They are know-nothings and PROUD OF IT.
I wonder if The Rump knows any NFL franchise owners. He could one-up Romney and take credit for winning the Super Bowl.
Didn’t Romney have a similar issue 4 years ago? What is it with these guys? They get really angry when you blame things on George W. Bush that he screwed up, but also want you to think that their very presence makes good things happen.
I remember when Ari Fleischer claimed early in the Bush years that opening ANWR to drilling would lower prices immediately because as soon as the announcement was made, oil companies would lower prices in anticipation of the crude that would be available ten years later. He said this with a straight face, too.