
Discussion for article #242138

Unfortunately, 40% may be Bel Edwards’ ceiling, not his floor.

I sure hope not though.


A bad version of Bobby Jindal.


The so-called scandal never got off the ground. The truth is, Senator Vitter had trouble defending his tea party voting record in the cold light of day.

In Louisiana, people don’t like politicians who filibuster veterans benefits. That the politician merely wanted to make Obama look bad isn’t good enough. Politicians who routinely vote for government default and shutdown don’t have a lot of credibility when they speak of dysfunction in Baton Rouge.

Probably Senator Vitter will win, but stay tuned. Louisiana may have a nasty, Andrew Jackson style surprise for the Tea party.


Really Louisiana, this guy?


Why would a Republican want this job? It’s like the Aegean Stables times a thousand. Don’t they want a Dem to go in and get the blame for cleaning up the GOP mess then come swooping in to destroy the economy again? How can you destroy what’s already been destroyed?


You’re probably right. I have a hard time seeing the people from the failed campaigns getting behind Edwards. Vitter is a profoundly flawed candidate, with all sorts of scandals breaking lose right now, but its Louisiana.

I’m so old I can remember way back when conservative Republicans and “Christian” evangelicals for America were outraged by a certain POTUS, and campaigned on platforms demanding a return to “traditional family values”.

If only that certain POTUS had a prostitute - like Dick Morris did! - instead of a consenting adult…


If Louisiana jumps from Jindal, the State wrecker, to Vitter, the State Diaper Shitter, then they aren’t voting for good governance, they are voting for an imaginary ideal that just isn’t real.
Voting for a label, conservative, and not considering the record is why the state is in dire straits now. Vitter the Shitter is not the answer to their problems, only in their dreams.


Vitter wins the run-off.
That must mean the guys who lost need to be arrested for something.

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Why the fck is this philanderer still in the race? Do or don’t Louisianans give a fck?

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Yep. I’m starting to think being a Rhodes scholar is an honorific not worthy of the title and resume builder anymore. Jindal was a Rhodes scholar too and look how that turned out. Vitter is a repulsive, lying cheat. I hope he has his ass handed to him when all this shakes out.

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Louisiana: Proof that inbreeding and democracy are incompatible.

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Take a note libs and EmoProgs: this is what you’re up against in the presidential election when it comes to voters’ tastes and the cherished notion that they are “smart”.

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The Rhodes is awarded regionally. Bill Clinton, smart man that he is, stood from Arkansas, rather than WashingtonDC where he was studying.

The race can be a tad slower between the Ozarks and the bayous than, say, between Calzarkia and the Great Bay of California. A fast runner like Mr Bill of Hot Springs always wins; the twobozos from Louisiana may have had to push a bit.

The first Rhodes Scholar to come from Berkeley was in 1973 (Ithink).

In understandingthe Rhodes, it is based not on smarts but on (a) accomplishment (athletic and “leadership” in that order) and(b) perceived promise of achieving positions of leadership in later life, and the choice is made by the local alums, which in the US are organized regionally.

I s’pose if the existing alum crew in Arkiana have discerned that being a blithering idiot is a precondition for elected office, and that having a diaper fetish is no disqualification, it may influence who goes from frog-gigging in a tin boat to punting on the Isis.


Louisiana: Further proof of a godless universe.

Edwards supports the ACA’s Medicare expansion in Louisiana. Even Vitter stated that he would not rule it out. All candidates ran against Jindal’s cuts in taxes and services. The voters have already rejected Republican extremism.


All Vitter has to do is say “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” and he’ll get elected. Remember, Jesus forgives Republicans of anything they do but Democrats are always condemned to the lowest circle of hell for the slightest misstep!


Well of course they are…Democrats hate Jeebus because they’re atheists.

Finally Vitter is pushing back with a new campaign slogan:

★★★★ VOTE VITTER ★★★★