
Discussion for article #241120

He’s only willing to plead guilty because prosecutors are promising to lock him up with “younger” inmates –


Hastert to “wife” : “Sorry, honey, but that’s the deal we made with the judge – Make sure we pack extra Vaseline.”

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A lot of money involved. How much will that influence the outcome? O ne for you, two for me!

If nothing else, evidence again that the ruling elites are not geniuses.

So Denny is going to walk away with a fine, and we’ll never know who Individual A is, nor be reminded of what hypocritical deviants the Christo-fascists are. Typical.

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Once again…IOKIYAR. He’ll not only have to pay a minimal fine but will have already had time off served…Don’t ask me how. They’ll just find a way to figure that shit out anyway, and no one will be the wiser.

This guy wanted to be a fucking pedophile priest but I guess being a Methodist stopped him so he settled on being a wrestling coach and then a House Representative.

No deal. Lock the bum up.


I keep seeing ads saying that Obama is taking away your ability to use cash, you read them and you notice that “someone” was arrested and is being charged for withdrawing cash, along with enough information to realize they are talking about Hastert. Stupid people believe that Obama wants to take all your cash, when it is a law HASTERT pushed through to take down money laundering drug dealers that SNAGGED his ass!

Oh well, you can’t cure stupid, but I would like to sedate some of them!

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Now Person A starts writing a book; “Dirty Denny and His Perversions.”

Money can buy your freedom in the good old USA. Hastert should go to jail, he broke the law to cover up previous law breaking. He is corrupt to his core.

and ‘somewhere’ FoxNews reliable sources…

Why bother if 'A"'s already raked in $3+ million?

Here’s your ‘family values’ guy.

A veritable “To the Pain” challenge.