
Discussion for article #241036

Did you open another lane on the George Washington Bridge to help it along?


What are you talking about ?

"If you ask too many questions, you will find no answers, only more questions.

Monica Fairview,"

What did he accomplish Chrispie?

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Let him go off and live the
rest of the life now knowing that he came to Congress and he accomplished the
things that in his heart he believed he wanted to accomplish."

Which explains his reaction about two minutes before announcing he was going Full Metal Palin

There is an obvious split between Christie’s ambition and the vast majority of Republican voters, so I think we can all see his resignation from the presidential race coming.


Christie On Boehner Resignation: ‘We’ve All Seen This Coming’

Except for the people that were standing behind you Chris. < / fat-joke >


Is it wrong I’m laughing? No, it’s Friday.


But, but doughnut boy…he didn’t accomplish a damn thing now did he?

Then why is it such a shock to all of DC, Chris? Are you saying you are prescient?

Does Christie also see in that same crystal ball the bitter and humiliating end of his own career in government? It’s in there!