Discussion for article #240583
Only in Tejas: all hat, no cattle.
“No charges were ultimately filed against Mohamed, who has since been invited to visit the White House, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Texas at Austin and Facebook’s headquarters.”
Cool. Fourteen-year-old Ahmed is going on a national tour!
Say “hello” to Ellen and Jimmy (K) and Stephen for me, bud.
But she is a bigot, blonde and horny conservative men want to fuck her. That is all that counts to get elected in most parts of Texas.
She’d look good in a hijab & niqab.
Folks-- please?
These asshats are in Dallas
This is Cruz and Perry country.
Ridicule Dallas all you like-- please!
They effing deesrve it.
Better, in fact.
Demagogues in Texas GOP politics; what a surprise.
Qualify it with rural-- and/or Dallas-- and you’re good-to-go.
Moh pro’lys gonna end up with a pre-paid free ride starting with UTexas astrophysics thru MIT grad school then the Einstein chair at Princeton, and meanwhile Beth de Guyne’s headed to Congress on the moron dipshit R ticket.
If only these politicians were as interested in learning as Ahmed, maybe we could make a dent in the stupid.
Someone should tell this bimbo that channeling Pamela Geller and Frank Gaffney is a dead end.
She has all the qualifications. Why isn’t she an anchor on Faux Snews?
Explanation: It’s Texas. Period.
Aaahah. I just saw the police chief saying “they would have responded the same way whether or not this kid is a muslim” They booked him, fingerprinted him without even bothering to figure out that it was a home made clock?. They are a bunch of fucking liars every last one of these racist islamaphobes
“Irving, Texas Mayor Beth Van Duyne is a tough-as-nails politician who’s not afraid to take on Islam.”
What does that even mean?
Demagoguing an entire religion is courageous?
What next, a Republican who’s “not afraid” to take on Quakers? Or Jains? Or the Amish?
Another GOP sociopath.
Remind us again where the good/intelligent parts of Texas are - besides where you hail, that is!!!
Lord save us from these fuckin’ rubes.
At least you believe there is someone who can save us. I don’t and it scares the crap out of me that I am living through this unbelievable nightmare