Discussion for article #240407
He doesn’t have the temperament to be president
You’re just now figuring that out? Are you stupid or just not paying attention?
I’m really not that keen on the opinion of the leader of an organization that is dedicated to dragging American kids into endless war for no good reason.
but Bibi’s endless campaigning for Americans to shed blood and spend their country broke for the sake of his Zionist dreams, doesn’t concern him.
“Trump is making many of us very nervous,”
Could I interest you in some Adderall with a triple espresso?
Leader Of Far-Right Group: “Trump Is Making Many Of Us Very Nervous.”
Trump is making America grate again.
Actually you RW Zionists make me even more nervous than Trump does.
He shouldn’t be worried, Trump will have the YUUUUGEST most luxurious war in the middle east that would make Alexander the Great come back and salute the Donald
Nuclear tipped projectiles with solid gold TRUMP stamps, muzak blaring from loudspeakers on our tanks as they rampage the countryside
Class - nothing but class
And winning. So much winning, the Middle Least will be bored of winning.
Nothing says luxury like a gold plated nuclear-tipped ICTBM.
"You [Trump] don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Looks like someone’s been illuminated.
I’ll be damned. Though deservingly marginalized, Trump has found yet another demographic in the U.S. to piss off.
The whole Republican field is making me very nervous.
Circular firing squad? Or . . .
“Trump is making many of us very nervous,” Klein said.
As a fellow Jew, I can say that the use of the word “nervous” by Mr. Klein is redundant.
Not sure what you mean by that, but their goes NY and Florida.
Apparently it’s only a problem when he criticizes other GOP favorites. The rest of his crazy is just fine.
Trump makes my sides hurt.
Who cares what a right-wing-___________ (fill in blank) has to says about anything!
Very clever.