Discussion for article #240345
The wife is abused!
No one, ever, regardless of superstitious beliefs should ever make their spouse suffer through 19 deliveries…WTF!!! is this gal thinking?
Obviously, I would never watch a bible-thumping show. But, I did see this couple on the news after everyone found out their son was a perv. Each and every time her husband looked at her, spoke to her, she would flinch. I said to my husband, yup she’s an abused spouse all right!
New series on Fox/NationalGeographic
Sperm Donor and the Slut.
Secrets of a DIY RE-ligious clut --I mean cult.
Spreadin’LegsInJe$u$ name…
I DIdn’t READ the ARTICLE beCAUse IT IS fuLL OF lamestreAM medIA lies AND libturD anTI-JEsus HATE, BUT thIS NON-storY doesN"T SEEM to REcognize that JosH Was CURED of SexY THOUGHTS toward HIS SISters. AnYWAY it’s NOT RAPE if everYONE is KIDs and JESUs gives HIS thuMBs uP.
Holy crap, that’s a frickin cult.
I’m amazed some people are so fucked up that they get involved in crap like that.
When a woman is attacked, one booklet reads, “She is to cry out for help. The victim who fails to do this is equally guilty with the attacker.”
Bear in mind, this isn’t something Gothard came up with - it’s straight from the Bible. Not only is the woman equally to blame, it calls for both the man and the woman to be executed in this case. Can’t have any of that evil moral relativism, only solid Biblical principles.
Isn’t this how Jim Jones got his start? Something tells me we’re going to be reading about this cult in a few years down the road, when they get their adherents to drink another batch of that cyanide-laced Kool-aid.
Dominionist theology masked or otherwise, is a real danger to our society. One only needs to look at how “The Family” has already gotten a toe-hold into the upper echelon of political power in DC to see how dangerous this extremist philosophy has become.
How old are you?
I guess I should have said STILL amazed.
Josh Duggar’s sister Jessa Duggar Seewald, who was nine or 10 years old when the abuse took place, said in the June interview on Fox News that “in Josh’s case he was a boy, young boy in puberty and a little too curious about girls and that got him into some trouble.”
Call me crazy but I find this quite disturbing.
Jones and The Peoples Temple were originally in San Francisco in an African-American neighborhood, city leaders were his for the asking, and when the publicity started to reveal he was just another grifter, he led his trusting followers to Guyana We who lived here at the time watched it unfold never imagining it would lead the murders on the tarmac in a jungle which were followed in a few days by the murders of our mayor and city supervisor. Terrible days to recall.
Shorter version of the article, it’s a cult.
I remember the awful flyover in Guyana showing the dead laying all around the encampment at the time. It was shocking…but that cult was, like you say, at one time a respected group by leaders of the community.
Jim Bob Duggar looks like he’s an expert in the lust department.
I can’t help but remember the scene in Downfall where Magda Goebbels killed each of her children, stopping in between to smoke a cig and play a hand of solitaire. Note to Duggar spawn: If mommy gives you chocolates at bedtime and tells you you are leaving on a trip the next morning, RUN!
At this point, there is little more to say about that Duggar cesspool of depravity, baby making and sanctimonious self-righteousness:
When you’re as fucked up as the Duggar Cult, you need to keep the “Jesus Card” very handy to play.
Downfall was a really good movie, but my recollection is that the way the Gobbels children were actually killed was somewhat different from what was in the movie. Still, for a mom to kill all of her kids, even if she knew she was going to kill herself too, is really really chilling. As a parent, I just can’t understand it at any level at all. I can’t understand the Duggars either, in sorta the same way.
How about the cult down in Rancho Santa Fe San Diego?
What does TLC stand for anyway? The Leading Cult network?