
Discussion for article #234854

On the one hand, the Inidiana Legislature and it’s Governor are reprehensible. On the other hand, thank you Indiana for exposing the 2016 GOP lineup as the bigots that they are. Their bubble is shrinking by the minute. The vast majority of Americans believe in equality and dignity for everyone and find those that hide behind religious discrimination disgusting.


I am an atheist and I consider it my right to refuse service to any person of any religion. My right!!! How far can we go with this?

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Pence is about to throw the whole GOP field under the bus.

This has done about $300M in damage to the eventual GOP nominee


In summation, GOP candidates agree: “I LUV IT! And Obama sucks.”

So for folks like Rubio who try and have it both ways in their pandering, if per him a hotel shouldn’t be able to deny a room to someone who is gay, what about the hotel worker (e.g. housekeeper or room service steward)? Can they refuse to clean the room of the gay customer? or refuse to bring him/her/them food?

Is anyone surprised? Every one of these potential candidates needs the flying monkey Base to have a prayer of winning a GOP primary.
Walker, typically, is waffling and weaseling, trying to keep his bland image intact and concentrating on hobbling the educational system for the privateers to snap up and impoverishing the middle class in Wisconsin with Right to Work for Less laws.

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I wish that could be true, but the GOP is nothing if not resourceful at rigging the game in their favor when they can’t win enough hearts and minds.

What a collection of weasels and grifters.

So ‘Sweet 2016 and Never Been Gay Kissed!’ appears to be the umbrella theme for the GOPassĂ© primary season

The term, profile in courage, does not apply. The teabaggers still have the reins and their leaders are still wimps. Discriminating wimps actually.

Sorry excuses.

No, they are not “human beings”

So just to be clear here about where “religious freedom” stands when it conflicts with other peoples’ rights.

“Religious freedom” to use traditional hallucinatory substances does NOT trump federal drug statutes.

“Religious freedom” to be a bigoted asshole DOES trump constitutional and federal law guarantees against discrimination.

Or is the difference that the latter is “White Evangelical Christians’ Religious Freedom” while the longstanding former distinction is “Brown Native Peoples’ Religious Freedom”?

For what it is worth, I completely agree with the former’s line of reasoning - “my religion says to do this” is an all-too-fluid defense which can excuse any behavior at all. But, I stand by the same line of reasoning here: no matter how much your “religion” hates gay people, the law of the country says you can not discriminate against them.

These GOPer’s crack me up!! So much for the plans for a “bigger tent.” Their outreach strategy is backwards!!

Walker’s success in Wisconsin has baffled me for many months.

Wisconsin, the home of “Fighting Bob La Follette” is not adjacent to a slave state, like indiana is, for example. In addition, their University of Wisconsin is the envy of the academic world in various departments.

There was a MASSIVE protest of Walker’s agenda in 2011.

There was a surplus of the signatures necessary to recall Walker

There was the gag-conversation with Walker which (although Walker was able to not directly implicate himself) labeled him as a 0.001% Plant

There was the dramatic spectacle of WI state legislators literally fleeing the state so as to not have to succumb to the Agenda

There was the depravity of the utterances by various TeaBagg officials in the state govt. (no, I will not repeat them)

All in all

It’s laughable how the pretense of ‘oh. no - it’s not at all about gays it’s religious freedom’ just fell as more than a few candidates openly apply the law (and the intent ) to the LGBT community. Do they really believe people are so gullible?

As I scrolled down the page, I just knew his response would be a non-response, and this is precisely why he most likely won’t win his party’s nomination. Will he stand his ground on any topic during the debates? If not, there are some lovely parting gifts on his way out of the game

Notice how they ALL use the same language: “I Stand With
” the jingoistic fallback for the empty suits they all are.
This is just more evidence of the Vast-Reich-Wing-Propaganda-Machine AstroTurfing their inbox’s with pre-written scripts of what to say (and a threat of “If they know what is good for them
” to stay “On Message”.)

More important it puts them on the wrong side of such cultural icons as Apple, NASCAR and Charles Barkley.

This is not republicans against democrats. It is clearly Republicans against all the stuff America loves.

Religious Freedom: If those Injun savages want rights they can choose to be Christians just like anybody else.