Discussion for article #234533
This is the type of reporting that TPM needs more of. Thank you Brian Murphy.
Agreed, this is great work
Great story. Have I missed any investigation into the Harbor Lights Development?
I came to the comments just to say the same thing. I REALLY like this kind of detailed investigative, analytical journalism.
If it walks and quacks like a duck…
I wonder where he’ll be serving his prison time…
The White House!
He still thinks he’s a contender.
Wherever they send Schock? Jack Spratt could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean…
I recently referred to Guv. Crispy Cream as a “bellicose hemorrhoid.” He is bellicose, and “asshole” just isn’t quite extreme enough to describe what a complete dickface Crispy Cream is. I think I am going to stick with it.
Terrific article. I feel dirty after reading it, but terrific.
The bigger they are the harder they fall. THUD
That is so bad, but I had to like it anyway … just couldn’t help myself!
This is just outstanding work .
The style reminded me of a skilled boxer methodically taking his opponent apart with punishing jabs and body blows.
Now that’s how you write a news story! What a joy to read: well-constructed and it answered all the who, what, where, and why questions.
I want another one just like the other one (more stories like this one).
Or the old default fat sack of corrupt shit.
I really don’t think there’s anything illegal about this, except it does show a pattern of being a dick and retaliating against these mayors. I haven’t heard anything about Elizabeth lately. Christie closed their DMV after failing to get that mayor’s endorsement. I would assume that’s also evidence of a pattern. Also, note that David Wildstein is using gmail and Bill Sepien is using a campaign email address. Shouldn’t that be another scandal?
This arcticle is very well done!
The next comprehensive coverage of this filthy governor should be on why Christie made the deal with Exxon that he did. Exxon was going to hand over $9 billion, CC settled for $250 million, and it’s emerging that he and his staff were taking donations from Exxon for a long time.
I’m so with you on this one.
Don’t forget the donations to the Republican Governors Association for Christie of 1.9 million.