Discussion for article #234255
“I’m not the droid you’re looking for…”
Is it too much to hope that this this case could continue to roil the GOP in the Show Me state through the '16 campaign season?
“Move On” says the iniator of the whisper campaign.
Hancock will get away with this because there is no Missouri Democratic Party and the local press does what it is told by the Republican powers that be.
If there was a Democratic party in Missouri it would, but there is no Democratic party in Missouri. They left the state years ago.
He said he wasn’t anti-semitic, he didn’t say there wasn’t a whispering campaign.
This guy will keep his job for the same reason the racist homophobe anti-semitic Agema keeps his spot on the RNC, because there are too many in the Republican base who would be pissed off by having these guys held accountable.
‘‘I have investigated myself and found myself innocent of any wrongdoing. Now get back into line, sheeple!’’