Burn in Hell Zinke
Like the entire administration, Zinke’s tenure was an attack on the rule of law from start to finish.
Big Government is Evil. But renewing the subsidized low priced grazing rights on federally owned lands of convicted felons is really important. To our medium and small sized ranchers who like to pretend to be The Marlboro Man.
Fink-y Stinky … er… Zinke. Corrupt Money Pit for the US Taxpayers.
Glad he’s gone.
Here’s to hoping a boatload of costly lawsuits are heading his way.
Do the Hammond’s take contract work?
Crooks all the way down…
Imagine a future interior secretary “Helps Ranchers Who Inspired Trump wall Standoff Get Land Back”.
I agree. But if that’s not possible I will settle for the Federal Penitentiary.
Make that White convicted felons. No black people were helped during the time he lasted in the government- at least not knowingly.
Yes. And the appropriately named Whitefish Energy was unleashed upon the people and Government of Puerto Rico in the aftermath of the first Category 5 Hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in the Southeast and cross the entire Island since 1924. Was given a $300 M no bid, no audit contract. The contract was rescinded, but not until Whitefish claimed $100M in mostly ineffective work on restoring the Island’s electric grid. Zinke cronies.
Grazing fees are a money loser for the public and are essentially a subsidy for beef and rural America.
What is he getting out of it?
Why does Zinke want to enslave these poor ranchers by giving them government-subsidized feed for their cattle?
And up.
Hope that he can become a Governor or Senator in one of the anti-government western states that would be nothing but abandoned mines, toxic mine-waste sites, denuded forests, and subsistent ranchers if not for government regulations and government-funded infrastructure.
Yep. And the Bundys still owe millions of unpaid below market tax subsidized grazing fees.
Gosh…how many times can we say this? ONLY THE BEST PEOPLE…