Discussion: Your Road Map To Paul Ryan's Plan To Privatize Medicare


Sociopath Ryan keeps saying that Obamacare hurt Medicare.

This lie destroys his credibility.


With Hillary up by 2.5 million votes in a 135 million turnout election, I think we can safely cry foul.

If you recall the GOP strategy in 2000 in Florida, the strategy was to avoid, at all costs, a hand count of the optical scan ballots. Instead, the clueless Democrats were fooled into fighting in four counties with punch cards, causing the term “hanging chad” to enter the lexicon. Enter Scalia’s son to save the day when the Florida state supreme court ordered a look at all county ballots, including the optical scan ballots. These contained 150,000 or so overvote ballots, mostly where people had both marked the Gore circle and written in Gore (there were Bush overvotes, too, of course). But the key was never getting the ballots into evidence, because, you know, a few days work. In most of the counties using optical scan readers, the overvotes could have been isolated and resolved in an afternoon.

Suddenly, same old trick in 100% optical scan ballots in Wisconsin. Come on, the purpose of a paper trail is that you can review the record. 72 counties, 2.8 million votes, or about 39,000 ballots per county. You first test select randomly 2-3% of the ballots. If no anomalies show up, then run the optical scan and hand review the over and undervotes. Heck, five people could do that in an afternoon. Of course, if the testing show a miscount of say, 1%, you are going to have to do the hand count. In any case, you can’t determine the need to do this a priori.

Dane County Circuit Judge Valerie Bailey-Rihn ruled that Wisconsin’s 72 county clerks will not be required to count ballots by hand as Stein requested in a lawsuit filed on Monday, Attorney General Brad Schimel said in a statement.


Is there some secret hatchery where they hatch people like Ryan and Hatch of such reptilian cruelty as to strip seniors naked before the world? Does this fucker have any idea what it’s like to live on SS and Medicare?


How long would $9,500 last in a nursing home, not long I am sure. What do they do when the money runs out. I think the prospect of old people in wheelchairs being dumped on the street is not an exaggeration.


One month in a good nursing home in Southern California. Could stretch to two months if you don’t mind sharing a room with MRSA patients.


Didn’t Ryan receive SSI benefits for a few years as a teenager after his father died ?


I can answer that question for you. I live in a very red state, (not a single county went to either Obama or Hillary) and it cost just over $4,500 a month for a non private room for my mother.


Why does he have such a hard on for this issue? Talk about death panels! My 93 year old father has had two quadruple bypasses and gall bladder surgery since he turned 70. None of which he could have afforded. Just think of the middle class people who are in their late 20s and 30s now…Mom and Dad are going to be either a serious burden, living in their spare room or meeting early deaths.


What wheelchairs?


Excellent review of Ryan’s attempts to kill Medicare over the years. A big part of the funding for Medicare comes from payroll taxes paid by current workers and their employers. In effect, some significant portion of the ongoing cost of Medicare care for senior citizens and disabled persons is paid for by much younger current workers who anticipate receiving Medicare when they are older or become disabled. What happens when Ryan and Price turn Medicare into a wedge, promising current recipients continued Medicare availability while telling current younger workers they will have to get their old age medical care from the rapacious private insurance industry? The younger working age segment of the population is going to rebel against continuing to pay payroll taxes to support ongoing traditional Medicare for the older retired segment of the population. The death of Medicare is baked into Ryan’s and Price’s plans, Ryan does not want to “modernize” Medicare, and neither does Trump and Price. They want to kill Medicare, pure and simple. It’s just a question of how long it takes.


Ryan is one sick puppy. Medicare is a govt. program that works. I guess that’s why he wants to destroy it. I consider Ryan to be one of the most evil people in Congress. “Granny starver” absolutely fits.



DEAD END. Recalculating…

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I wonder if Paul Ryan realizes this scheme generates a huge risk of an economic recession? I mean, if we all have to start saving to hedge against that old age catastrophic medical treatment we may have to pay out of pocket because Medicare won’t be there anymore, that’ll create a huge drag on the economy. That’s an untold story here.


Yes. And he has been on the public payroll, with excellent health benefits, for most of his adult life. There is something seriously wrong with him, I am talking about deep-seated psychological problems. Why is he hell bent on destroying minimal benefits that he himself received in his own time of need?


Yeah, you’d think a self-described “wonk” would understand this.


Won’t this lead to long term diminishing income for Big Pharm? Eventually people will stop paying and just take their chances on home remedies or choose to sicken and die.

Edit: Oh yeah, wait. Maybe that latter point is the point. Is anyone in the pharm industry paying attention?


Ryan won’t rest until he brings back the Poor Farms and Poor Houses. If my Grandparents were still alive they would smack him silly. They told me the horror tales of those places before Social Security was enacted. Grandma volunteered at the town Poor House where everyone was required to work even if they were bedridden. If they didn’t work, they didn’t eat. Grandma snuck a pie into the house to feed a hungry bedridden person who suffered a stroke. The House Warden caught her, literally threw her out of the Poor House and banished her from ever coming back.

This is what Lyin’ Ryan and his RepubliKKKlan pals want to bring back.

They have to be stopped.


Ryan: A Better Way…to die.