Discussion: Your Medicare Phase Out Checklist

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Keep this information coming - but it needs to reach beyond the TPM audience.


Bill Foster is listed as R-IL, but he is a Democrat. Other than that, great resource!


Disappointed to see my Senators Murray and Cantwell on the undetermined/unaware list.

Just called both their offices to stress my support for keeping Medicare.


A lot of seniors don’t year realize their SS and Medicare are in peril. I have very little use for AARP, but last time there was a threat to SS they mobilized a lot of people who wouldn’t otherwise be active. Just as I think Trump is the younger generation’s Vietnam, SS and Medicare are the hill on which the oldest demographic will fight. There is a shit storm brewing out here.


Called my congressman’s ® office and registered my thoughts on what a terrible idea the medicare phase out is. We should all do the same. I don’t know how these jackasses (with their pensions) think retired people will pay for their health insurance. If they have done any reading at all they would know that the outlook for retirement savings is frightening. Where do they think people will get the money to pay for the insurance? Especially when they are done getting rid of social security. #callingAARP


Make it viral

It’s somewhat asking for it, but make it viral.


and we need to stress that we want Medicare to remain as it is. The GOP will claim they are saving Medicare for future generations by changing it (which we know is pure bull.)


I posted it every Facebook group I’m in. One (https://www.facebook.com/groups/NewYorkersProtestTrump/) made it their mobilization topic for December. Everyone should do the same.


Rep Chellie Pingree D in Maine against per her DC office, waiting for email confirmation
Reo Bruce Poliquin R in Maine will get back to me
Sen Susan Collins R in Maine will get back to me
Sen Angus King I in Maine will get back to me


From Josh earlier:
“Over recent days, as I’ve spoken to people in the world who might lead the fight against Paul Ryan’s plan to phaseout Medicare and replace it with private insurance vouchers and one message is quite clear: No one is paying attention. No one is ready. No one has a plan. Half the people are still too shell-shocked to think about anything. The other half are telling themselves something so crazy can’t happen. But wait, at least one person on TV is starting to talk about this.”
He then gives a Q&A between a reporter and the current HHS secretary.
I got news for Josh, someone has been talking about the GOP phasing out SSI and Medicare for decades and this site did everything in their power to undermine him in the primary, with TPM’s Bernie Bros BS bandwagon. Clinton was busy rubbing elbows with Pete Peterson and other wall street cronies.

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“We’ll Get Back To You:”

That list shouldn’t have a single fucking Dem in it, but look at them all. And we wonder why we’re getting fucked in the ass??? Cowardice. That’s why. There’s no better lube in the universe.


Flake is up for re-election in 2018. Good thing for him no seniors live in Arizona.


Go fuck yourself. You’re the people to blame for this because it was more important to you to be ideologically pure and “right” than it was to vote for her to prevent it. Period. You have no excuse. You have no justification. I don’t give a FUCK whether you personally voted for Clinton or not. You shall be judged by the company you keep. You chose Trump over Clinton and therefore chose vouchers over Medicare. It’s that fucking simple.


If this thing passes before March 12th, when I turn 55, I am completely fucked. I want my money back, with interest.


Here is my take on the Medicare phaseout. In short, it’s almost certainly going to happen. The House and Senate will pass it and Pres. Trump will sign it into law. They’ll call it the Medicare Reform and Restructuring Act of 2017.

You would think that there will be a lot of outcry about this, but I am cynical enough to believe that it won’t amount to much. The fact that Ryan’s plan protects seniors who are already getting medicare means that current retirees aren’t going to lift a finger to stop it. For everybody else, the end of Medicare as we know it is nothing more than an inchoate threat that can easily be passed off by members of congress and the media with promises to give seniors tax subsidies to buy private health insurance. For a few years, those subsidies might even make medicare and the private health plans almost equivalent - some people might even do better. That probably takes the soon-to-be-retired off of the list of people likely to raise much of a stink. But rest assured that the subsidies will become worse over time until they cover almost nothing (look at the federal subsidies for ACA insurance, for example). The people who are now 55ish and younger are the people who are really going to get screwed, but retirement is too far off for them to see how badly they’re going to get screwed, so don’t expect much help from them either.

Anyway, that’s just my take on it. I hope I am wrong but I won’t be surprised if I am right.


Trump has said he does not want to touch Medicare, or Social Security. I guess we find out if meant it.

Soooo, Thanksgiving with your pro-Trump relatives?
The ones approaching retirement age?
Make sure they know about this.

Be nice, but enjoy the face palming.


@mollynyc I have tried to raise the alarm about this, but everybody says “They won’t actually do that. That’s just talk.” I fear that they’re going to be sorely disappointed.


How do you really feel, sniffit?