Discussion: Your Guide To All The Committees Probing Trump, Comey And Russia


Fun Fact: Today is the 44th anniversary of the beginning of the televised Watergate hearings.


I can only imagine some wise guys will try to mouth off to Mueller and end up crumbling into dust when he gives them a death glare

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“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. … Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them.”
Rather apropos to today’s administration.


Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Step right up!
Ya can’t tell the players without a program!
Peanuts , Popcorn , Crackerjack!
Step Right up!

I don’t know about y’all but my head is spinning
More plots than an Agatha Christie Mystery

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This could really be educational on many levels. First, we might get a full-blown assessment of a billionaire’s finances, assets and liabilities. Second, we see how international tax avoidance schemes work. Third, we learn how banks make their money. Fourth, we see how bond markets are determinative in setting monetary and fiscal policy, no matter what party is in power. Fifth, we see how politics and money go together in kleptocracies. Kак интересно!


Part II
Those who don’t understand the rudimentary function of government should stay out of it.
Part III
The lies always catch up with you


Trump really has accomplished much in his first 4 months.


Also today: Rod Rosenstein is set to brief Senators on the Comey fiasco. Unfortunately, they will meet behind closed doors and it won’t be televised.

I hope some of the Senators will feel unusually chatty afterward.


Chaffetz’s aggressive response to the Comey allegations is somewhat surprising, given that before last week he had demonstrated a laissez faire approach to oversight of the Trump administration

Thereby redefining “laissez faire” as “fuck off and don’t bother me.”


Gassley et al have been sitting on their hands doing nothing while drumpf wrecks havoc on our Nation…On vacation and hiding from constituents. …

If the Dems had not been pushing we would have more equal parts of hell and chaos from them and the drumpf.

Kick them , rethugs, to the curb with drumpf…


Makes sense.
Starts me to thinking–if the proceedings get to the point where almost everybody is learning “too much” about these topics, Donnie will get a phone call or two–maybe a Jaravanka intervention–and be TOLD he’s retired. If a tantrum ensues it’ll likely kick off the 25th Amendment. Either way the “lesson” will be concluded as a condition of his departure. Nothing to see here folks…

We could do worse.


Burr: Decent, but still carries some water for Trump and was involved personally before the inauguration.
Chaffetz: Desperate to make some kind of name for himself to get better pay as a pundit/host.
Conaway: Don’t know much about him.
Grassley: Sarcastic asshole. Worst of the lot.

@outsidertrading618 The only problem is the cabinet is full of Trump stooges who wouldn’t vote to remove him.

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Ugh ugh ugh, Grassley’s idiot face in general and that super-transcendently-idiot horizontal lameass Trumpian thumb-up in particular. Ugh. Can I calmly, reasonably suggest, now that the tide has turned or is at least at the slack, that anyone from this moment who does that move gets grabbed and has the offending digit removed with bolt cutters? It’s been getting on my nerves, I must say.


For the 5,000 or so households that really invest in government for personal interest, the sooner the “lesson” is over the better. If Americans get too savvy about economics, they might go after members of the “elite” with pitchforks and clubs.

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There are problems with a 25th approach. First, Trump won’t be allowed to issue pardons for himself and others (most importantly of course, Ivanka and Jared) before he is removed. He can do that if he decides to resign. I fully expect that to be a key piece of leverage that is used when the time for “that talk” arrives.

Secondly, the 25th solution requires the majority vote of the Cabinet. And while that may be possible for Pence to achieve, he is going to have to get into “Lets Make a Deal” with each and every one of them in order to do so. Which means he would be very limited in his ability to clean house afterwards, and very probably may have to promise several of them even more power and security. Which all ends up hamstringing a wounded duck Presidency even more.

Thirdly, because it would be Pence pulling the trigger on a 25th solution, Pence would be a dead man walking heading into 2020. Trump supporters will make him the singular target for all their rage at Trump being removed. And while I am quite convinced Pence believes he will be running in 2020 for President (he announced the setup of a super PAC yesterday…HIGHLY irregular for a VP), I don’t think he wants to do this way. He is envisioning Trump either resigning or being impeached, either of which allows him to play a sympathy card with Trump voters.


Trump could pardon everybody and end the criminal investigations the way George H. W. Bush did.

We could do worse, but I want better. As I said yesterday, I want: handcuffs, perp walks, in daylight, with bigly media coverage, lots of cameras, heads shoved down as they try to get into vehicles with hands cuffed behind their backs (hopefully high-off-the-ground SUVs), family and friends in the background wringing their hands, neighbors and dog walkers gawking, with the MSM breathlessly yakking, and, for icing on that cake, how about a slow copter chase from arrest site to incarceration site, a la Comey last week.


BREAKING: Roger Ailes is dead!


To quote Bette Davis, " my mother told me never to say bad things about the dead, only good. Crawford is dead. GOOD!"