Vote. Every.Last.One.Of.These.Evil.Motherfuckers.OUT. EVERY.LAST.ONE.
Disgusting. And this is just the beginning. The forcing-kids-to-take-tranks story hit yesterday, there are definitely other stories of neglect, illness or worse that will start rolling in.
If Spankee thinks he’s stopped this mess by his la-di-da EO, he’s got another think coming. (Not to mention that it’s very clear he’s planning on turning this all over to the courts to find a scapegoat judge, which means this is going to stay in the headlines for weeks, especially once the Flores deadline is crossed…)
Despicable morans.
I’ve seen a public discussions in the last few days where people say “This is how it begins” and others say, “No, this isn’t the beginning. We’re several steps down the road already.” It’s simply to be expected that when you dehumanize people, describe them as animals and their presence as an infestation, you’re going to end up abusing them. We can hardly find enough responsible people to care for our own parents in long-term nursing homes. It’s insane to think you’ll get responsible people to guard young non-citizens. You’ll get the scum. You’ll get people who enjoy abusing others. That’s the segment of society we’ve empowered.
“pendejo” (pen DAY hoe ) does mean stupid but not in a benign way. In Spanish Latin America calling someone stupid is a very harsh insult Today pendejo is usually taken to mean asshole. Or perhaps a strong version of jerk. It’s not a word anyone decent would aim at a kid.
This abuse in slow motion has morphed into our own domestic Abu Ghraib scandal. Bags over heads. Nude confinement. Inhumane conditions. Systemic psychological and physical abuse. Forced sedation. The layers of charges that can be levied against these people are growing pretty thick.
@yellowbeard Beat me to it. My thoughts exactly.
This abuse is not an artifact of anti-immigrant hate and deport-'em-all policies; this abuse is the POINT. The scum who do this know damn well that they are SUPPOSED to do it and that they will NOT be punished.
And yes, yellowbeard, exactly like Abu Graib. This time it’s Stephen Miller and the Orange Loser slavering over those young bodies and jerking off to the videos.
Multiple detainees say the guards stripped them of their clothes and strapped them to chairs with bags placed over their heads.
Gah! Shades of Abu Ghraib in America!
Fucking horrifying and disgusting. Lock them all up.
I see we’re in agreement here. Monsters!!
I don’t get why y’all are upset. This program is perfect in Spankee’s America. It provides jobs on the government teat to low-education low-skill backwoods types who get to beat up on uncomprehending brown folks. Where’s the downside?
So who at the Office of Refugees and Resettlement is suppose to monitor the facilities such as this? Who isn’t doing their job, or did they lose their job because they weren’t loyal enough to Trump?
Nude children and the GOP.
Who didn’t see that one coming?
Well see! We ARE a Christian nation!
If only we all couldn’t have expected that “It was only a matter of time . . . “.
Let’s hope this keeps the story of Trump’s abusive immigration policy on the front burner beyond his phoney attempt to defang his monster with the recent “executive order” ploy.
I read about this last night before going to bed. Its outrageous. There doesn’t appear to be any due process at all for these teenage refugees. Held for over 800 days without any court hearing whatsoever! This place needs to be shut down for abuse and neglect if they don’t have a way to provide oversight of rogue workers there. This is unacceptable. They have a federal contract and yet they have a local board that operates the facility. Where is the Governor of VA in all this? Again, this is being done in our name.
I also read an article about how immigrants are being medicated with psychotropic medications in other facilities without parental consent.
This is sickening.
US black sites. For kids.