Discussion: Yet Another UKIP Leader Steps Down

“Mission Accomplished”

Mission Accomplished, someone else clean it all up.

just like the man who gave us Mission Accomplished


There’s no need for a UKIP party any more. The Conservative party has basically adopted its hateful and stupid policies lock stock and barrel. V. disturbing that Teresa May is now basically preparing to throw out all the foreign-born doctors, students, technical workers, manual workers from the UK, even if it means trashing the UK economy, in pursuit of some mythic ‘taking back control.’

This goes to show what happens when the crazy far right gets its hands on power: there’s no stopping them. They go right ahead and are worse than anyone expected, and the institutions that are supposed to hold them in check (in this case, Parliament, the Labor party, the church, the liberal media) are weaker than anyone foresaw. It’s what would happen in the event of a Trump administration: it would be far worse than people currently think.


I would first lay that at the feet of voters, particulary those of the “But I didn’t think it would really happen!” bewildered types.

Typical conservative. Sow death and destruction of ideals, economies and lives and then retreat to the privacy of your bathtub where you can paint puppies. I’d say the only good conservative is a dead conservative but that’s not true. Ronald Raygun’s fifth column Dominionist attack on the United States set the stage for the ravaging of our domestic economy and the madness currently embracing the middle east.

They should all be rounded up and dropped over Syria.
And those already buried dug up and dropped next to Bin Laden.

Restore the Fairness Doctrine, tax home “schools” at $40,000 per year per child and tax the 1% at 90% for five years to rebuild the nation they have spent the last 40 years destroying.

And if they don’t like it there is room in Guantanamo.

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Perhaps she was under the mistaken impression that she was a member of an actual political party rather than a mob of bigots?