Discussion: Wyoming Sheriff's Department Wants You To Know They Have A Grenade Launcher

Discussion for article #227923

Just another example of how the police and the military are basically becoming the same thing. The difference is that the military uses its force against other countriies, and the police use its force against us.


" less - lethal " ? Explosives kill - unless he just wants to maim . Righttttttttt .

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Don’t tell us, tell Clive Bundy.

Nice unstory.

They use it to launch tear gas rounds, not explosives…so far.

As long as they only have tear gas cannisters and not grenades to launch from the thing, I couldn’t care less if they have one.
PS: Who is “Burt” quoted in the last graf of the story/who is editing TPM these days??


“‘I think the problem has been more about the fact that the federal government has encouraged people to take this equipment,’ Burt said.”

Who’s Burt? He (or she) is mentioned nowhere else in the article.

And I expected the sign to say “We have a grenade launcher.” Or have a picture of one on it.


As if I needed another reason not to visit Wyoming.


Maybe smoke grenades or flash-bangs? I have no idea whether these can be launched from a regular launcher.

I wondered too: Burt is identified in the linked story, which also provided details on the kinds of ammo the sheriff’s dept. has for this weapon, something that begs explanation.
Really sloppy editing by TPM.


Now EVERYONE will want one…


Barney Fife used to let people know he had a bullet in his pocket.


Postcards from the Derp Zone.

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“We would use it in situations when less-lethal force is justified to get the situation under country,”
And there’s your answer.

" Lt. Jeremy Wardell told the Wyoming newspaper in a report on Sunday. “That tool gives us an option not to use lethal force.”

Wow, I did not know grenade launchers were less than lethal…


Tear gas. Says so right in the story. They have some tear gas grenades and a launcher just like most every other police department has for decades. If they had an MRAP or an M2 machine gun, I’d be interested, but this is just pure click bait over nothing.

The fact that they’ve never manufactured an excuse to play with the thing is a good sign.

Tear gas grenades get really hot and can start fires but they’re better than just cutting loose with gunfire when someone is holed up and shooting. I’ll be damed if I’m wasting outrage on a police department having a tear gas grenade or two and a launcher for them in its OMFG cabinet.


It’s for when the hippies attack!


It works great for those domestic abuse situations. You just blow the house up. Ka-Blam! no more domicile, no more domestic abuse, perfect.


In response, Goshen County’s gopher population have conspired to go “underground” into sleeper cells.

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In a pinch it can be used to launch fireworks during the fourth of July celebration.

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