Discussion: WV Radio Host: GOP Primary Race Is An 'Absolute Toss-Up'

WV Radio Host: GOP Primary Race Is An ā€˜Absolute Ģ¶TĢ¶oĢ¶sĢ¶sĢ¶-Ģ¶UĢ¶pĢ¶ Throw-Upā€™

Slight Correction


It seems odd that Trump said vote for either of the other two candidates rather than selecting one to avoid the vote being split between those two. Maybe Trump wants Blankenship to win?

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At least I got a good band name out of this fiasco:

Cocaine Mitch and the China People.


Is it wrong that Iā€™m smiling?


Iā€™m thinking most of the GOP primary races could be described this way, either because the candidates embrace Trump or because they go for more Trumpier than thou. Regardless, hereā€™s hoping it (finally) initiates enough gag reflex and more GOP base just stay home.

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In addition to bone spurs he had a Math learning disability

Basically even with Trump not endorsing Blankenship Trump voters would vote for him anyway because theyā€™re convinced heā€™s just repeating what Mitch McConnell tells him like with Roy Moore.

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If Tom Roten ever has a son, I hope he names him Johnny.

(No, I donā€™t have anything intelligent to contribute here. Iā€™ll show myself out now.)

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Honest to God. As much as I wish Blankenship to win the primary so we can crush him in the fall, I truly completely WONDER what the voters of WV are ā€˜thinkingā€™. This man is a criminal. He is a murderer. He is a thiefā€¦and he did it against the PEOPLE OF WV. You cannot make this crap up.


Do the people of West Virginia believe the lives of 29 miners killed unlawfully matter so little? I know there is no shame in the Republican Party, but this is shameful.

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How is it that ex-cons canā€™t vote in many states, but can run for office?

Blankenshipā€™s defense was that ā€œgovernment regulationsā€ made the accident happen.
And who among his potential voters doesnā€™t believe in the pure evil of government regulations?

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Of course By not complying with regulations intended to protect miners, he killed 29 miners. Obviously, but for the regulations anything he did would have been fine and he never would have been convicted. Clearly, itā€™s the regulationsā€™ fault. Lump of coal for a heart and toxic tailings for a brain.

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Cocaine Mitch and the China People. Sounds like an episode of MST3K.

Trump won West Virginia by a wider margin than any other state. That is all.

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It would have been the best episode ever.