Discussion: WSJ: Trump Set To Restructure Intel Agencies, Which He Thinks Are Biased

Politicizing Intel agencies.
What could go wrong?
Did you get the suggestion from yer pal Vlad ?

Just ignore the the breath on your neck as you drink your morning coffee.


Trump doesn’t have to do this; he can just ignore inconvenient facts, and start a pointless war like the Bush Crime family.

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No, they’re ALREADY politicized. Trump is going to unpoliticize them. Now we will be able to get to the Bottom of where ObaMa was born and Flynn will get the goods on #pizzagate.


This pointless swipe that everything Trump does is directed by Russia is puerile.

You think it’s “insight” but it’s inane.


If nothing else, this will be his complete undoing. And toot sweet.


George W. Bush already tried to do this during the creation of Homeland Security. With one exception, he needs Congress’ approval, and I doubt that’s gonna happen.


Sure, this is something like stage 2 in “birth of a strongman authoritarian”. He’s going to go after nodes of power that he doesn’t control. In this case it’ll be a high profile purge to serve as an example to people elsewhere in the government that there are consequences for opposing him. I expect that there’ll be a bunch of lower profile purges quickly as soon as he has formal power in other areas (EPA, for instance).


Well I I haven’t seen any other President or President Elect sing the praises of Comrade Putin. Neither have I seen a President or President elect disavow the intelligence agencies tasked with protecting the country.
FFS he just said he trusts Assange more than he trusts US intelligence .

His stupidity stands on it’s own merits but he appears not to have the mental capacity to discern reality

I never implied that it was directed by Moscow and you should engage your snark meter before discerning my motives


You are absolutely correct.

(BTW, which Russian/English dictionary do you use to get ‘puerile’ and ‘inane’? Mine just has ‘immature’ and ‘shallow’.)


Yes I do believe he has picked the wrong people to fuck with


He is probably right. They do seem to be biased in favor of the United States. For example, they don’t seem to appreciate the Russians hacking our elections.


15 warning signs of impending tyranny:

  1. Exaggerate their mandate to govern — claiming, for example, that they won an election by a landslide even after losing the popular vote.
  2. Repeatedly claim massive voter fraud in the absence of any evidence, in order to restrict voting in subsequent elections.
  3. Publicly criticize anyone who criticizes them, labeling them “enemies.”
  4. Turn the public against journalists or media outlets that criticize them, calling them “deceitful” and “scum.”
  5. Hold few if any press conferences, preferring to communicate with the public directly through mass rallies and unfiltered statements.
  6. Tell the public big lies, causing them to doubt the truth and believe fictions that support the tyrants’ goals.
  7. Blame economic stresses on immigrants or racial or religious minorities, and foment public bias and even violence against them.
  8. Attribute acts of domestic violence to “enemies within,” and use such events as excuses to beef up internal security and limit civil liberties.
  9. Threaten mass deportations, registries of religious minorities, and the banning of refugees.
  10. Seek to eliminate or reduce the influence of competing centers of power, such as trade unions and opposition parties.
  11. Appoint family members to high positions of authority.
  12. Surround themselves with their own personal security force rather than a security detail accountable to the public.
  13. Put generals and other military commanders into top civilian posts.
  14. Make personal alliances with foreign dictators.
  15. Draw no distinction between personal property and public property, profiteering from their public office.

I’m sick of this fucking traitor.

Why are no right-wingers slowly realizing that all that shit they kept saying about Obama (Muslim Brotherhood crap) actually applies to this scumbag? How much do they want America actually weakened before it dawns on them they are supporting a fucking Russian agent?


You don’t have to be enthralled with the American intelligence community to realize that grinding them down just isn’t in the country’s better interest. As I mentioned before, Rump has properties in various countries that are major targets for attack. I think it’s entirely possible that the IC gets wind of some of these plans and suddenly has nothing to report.


Don’t go full Godwin on us.

Two possible outcomes of Trump’s Friday intel briefing on Russian meddling:

He walks out and announces his resignation;

He’s read his rights and placed under arrest.


May I take a stab at this question?

Why? = Tax cuts, dismantling the American safety net and voter suppression. For the GOP, it’s a nasty trade-off that has to be dealt with in order to complete the final destruction of America. Once America becomes the Western version of South Africa, they can dump him and feel good about the chaos they’ve created.


I’m picturing the alternate ending to The Hunt for Red October…

Submarine pulls up in a quiet waterway… Orange hair starts to emerge.

Soviet plant successfully put on American shores to undermine the World’s greatest Democracy.


One of the first things everyone who goes to Washington learns is don’t piss off the CIA. Basically, it’s not a good idea to make enemies of people who do covert “wet” operations for a living.