I thought IQ45 aced his mental test? He doesn’t need to worry. Lets strap on a poly for good measure. I hear you.
Why would Trump’s lawyers worry about a perjury trap in answering questions of dates, places, time, etc. Donald has been telling us forever that he has the “best” memory ever recorded.
T: “I’ve said it before, there was no collusion, no phone calls, no nothing.”
M: “Fine, will you come in and talk to us about what you know?”
T: “No.”
Bleep Them.
Hey, Two Scoops. Mueller isn’t one of those real estate lawyers you can bluff.
Or your local sheet metal contractor
WTF…there is no collusion…no collusion. Let the guy meet with Mueller’s team already. Trump has the best memory, the best words. The guy is a stable genius for heaven sake. BTW, funny how an attorney’s duty is to his client is sometimes to the detriment of his country…sad…
How does asking him “detailed questions involving dates and times” constitute a “perjury trap”? They can’t prove perjury just because he gave a wrong answer – they’d also have to prove that he knew he was lying.
Come to think of it, that makes Trump pretty well immune to perjury charges – I’m convinced he has no idea whether he’s lying or not.
Here’s the question on my mind and forgive me if someone else already asked this but who are “the most intimate members of his staff” one cannot help but wonder? Is he talking about Hope Hicks? She’s been intimate with a few of his staff, or Ivanka? Maybe we shouldn’t go there.
So, let me get this straight. Bill Clinton can be required to give a deposition about his extramarital sex life that was nothing but an attempt to tempt him into perjury so he could be impeached. But it would set a bad precedent to force Trump to give even an unsworn interview about his conspiring with the intelligence agencies of a hostile foreign power to steal the election. And somehow, the SCOTUS ruling requiring Clinton to testify in a civil suit funded and run by his worst political enemies didn’t set the precedent because, after alll, this is merely a special counsel conducting a criminal investigation into treasonous activities.
Also, US v. Nixon has no application because reasons.
I have always thought the traditional perjury trap was pretty cheesy. The job of the deponent’s lawyer is to protect his client from efforts to trip up his client with inconsequential details or ask him questions intended to evoke an embarrassing lie. as Star did with Clinton Most judges don’t appreciate lawyers who play that game.
In Trump’s case he has such a loose attachment to reality that Mueller isn’t going to have to work very hard. All he has to do is ask five or six general questions and Trump will give seven or eight answers. He has to be the worst possible witness.
From World War 3.0: Microsoft, the US Government, and the Battle for the New Economy, by Ken Auletta:
[Cameron] Myhrvold approached the witness stand cockily, and once there quickly corrected some of [David] Boies’s questions, as if he were helping the lawyer better understand exactly what he meant to ask. Boies coyly set up his witness. “Many of my questions are not trick questions. Some are,” he announced with a smile.
“Would you tell me which ones?” Myhrvold asked.
“If I’m going to ask a trick question, I’ll raise my hand,” said Boies, as Judge Jackson and Bill Neukom joined in the laughter. Boies then lobbed a softball: to distribute browsers, would Myhrvold agree that ISPs like AOL and computer manufacturers were the most important distribution vehicles? “I’ve certainly heard that,” but it wasn’t necessarily true, said the witness.
“Have you heard yourself say that?” asked Boies, provoking more laughter as he ostentatiously raised his hand. He asked the witness to look at page forty-three of his written deposition…
Yeah and it is a backhanded proof that the man is unfit to be president. If anyone had any moral courage and love for this country, they might consider his inability to answer questions about reality in real terms a real problem and think about the damn 25th.
I don’t know why Trump’s lawyers are always portraying they have all these options available to them in conjunction to Trump’s interview before the Special Counsel, in regards of a criminal investigation. Let’s not get it mixed up here…most of Mueller’s questions are going to be about events PRIOR to Trump being sworn into office on Jan 21, 2017. So why all the unnecessary demands?
Ever wonder why lawyers in all those law shows on the TeeVee don’t let their clients testify? It’s because most of the writers for those shows met Donald Trump at one time or another…
I would imagine family members certainly, probably Hicks.
When answering questions is a perjury trap…
I know, right?
Hey. Wait a minute. Umm…you don’t suppose the president* is…umm…lying do you?