All I want for Christmas, Santa, is…
Yes, please.
Fuckers couldn’t wait to feather their already plush nests.
Even if nothing comes of this line of inquiry, this is great news to give thanks for on Thursday.
The leak also serves to make the whole corrupt clan sweat for a few days.
I know Kushner is up to his eyeballs in treachery, but I’m not sure what Mueller’s interest is here - though I have full confidence that if Mueller’s digging, something’s rotten.
Kushner was corresponding with Israeli leaders, I assume Netanyahu, while in the transition period regarding this UN resolution. While it’s definitely unseemly, I don’t know that it’s illegal. Was there a quid pro quo that we don’t yet know about?
such questions “don’t necessarily indicate suspicion.”
Nor are they something you’d necessarily be glad about and welcome.
Could we have Malaria falling off her come fuck me pumps for Hanukkah?
Hey…it’s the holidays. Mueller’s probably got nothing better to do than go off on a half-cocked fishing expedition…or so Jared wishes.
Me thinks he’s not working Saturdays for the hell of it.
The article says foreign heads of state. Meaning plural. With Jared involved, I’ve got to think Saudi Arabia is involved in this somehow. Israel and the KSA seem to have common enemies these days.
Jared’s had to say “oopsie” eleventy-three times for having left contacts with foreigners off serious gummint disclosure forms. That kind of thing attracts the eye of cops. And when cops look in your direction it’s entirely possible they see things. So he can’t complain. I’m not even sure he can speak, but if he does in a complaining way I think he’d be in the wrong.
Who would have imagined an American president would some day look like this. Forget the orange hair combed over in at least three directions, forget the bad skin with spray on tan, forget the overly big suit and too long tie, forget the incipient dowager’s hump, forget when he opens his mouth junk comes out, forget. . . well, there’s nothing left to remember.
Kelly wants him gone, soon enough PP will too.
This is like what people in the financial industry call testing the low. Will we continue to fall to new lows everyday like an Enron or will we bounce back from this to reach new heights? Depends on the next President and Congress I suppose. One thing for sure - there’s no hope for however long Trump is in power.
Jared Kushner’s security clearance should be revoked now! He never should have been granted one.
With these people, there’s always a quid pro quo.
Actually, he has quite a soft voice if you’ve ever heard him speak on camera. He’s not an Alpha male like the pops-in-law – more of a meterosexual.
Hahaha – there’s also this:
It’s endlessly mortifying.