Discussion for article #233833
Boehner - led House.
Same song
50 the verse
Boehner needed House Democrats to come to the rescue after a number of House Republicans revolted against the speaker’s plan to fund DHS for three weeks. That, according to the Journal editorial page, “effectively put Nancy Pelosi in charge of the House.”
I think of Pelosi now as the Assistant Speaker. And the smarter one. And the sober one. My representative pulled boner’s sorry ass out of the fire because he stumbled so badly
it should be done based on more than the desperation of a rump group in the House
What an entirely appropriate description of them.
Hey WSJ Editorial Board, the first step is admitting you have a problem. Maybe it’s time for an intervention?
Precisely when have narrow liberal Senate majorities sought to change election laws to disadvantage conservatives? Unless, of course, allowing minorities to vote is seen as a dirty trick against the GOP. (Which, of course, is exactly what they do mean.)
Straight up, Boehner has a booze problem and it is impacting his ability to think and act.
The Republicans are constantly complaining about government incompetence, and government employees, and big government is evil, and comparing teachers and fire fighters to ISIS.
Then they take some unrelated issue as a hostage (Debt Limit, Immigration executive order) and say they will shut down the government unless they get their way.
Then they are amazed they get the blame?
You can almost hear the loony toons music in the background.
Simpler explanation: John had to sign over his spine to the Tea Party three years ago. It’s hidden in one of the vases in Aaron Schock’s office.
Rump is another word for ass. So the asses in the House are running the show and the drunk leader of the pack is powerless to this group of asses.
I don’t know about the framing made here regarding President Obama’s intentions. It appears to me that no matter what, the asses of the House will come out of everything smelling bad because they are asses. President Obama can not control these bozos any more than Boener can.
Everyone agrees that DHS needs to be funded, that’s a no-brainer and everyone agrees that our immigration system needs major work on it to reflect reality.
Only the teabaggers would halt the protection of America over a non existent fight about issues that everyone else agrees on.
Boener the drunk is now recognized as Boener the weak and ineffective drunk. The teabaggers are still just teabaggers.
I think the WSJ editorial page misses the point of what Obama’s trying to do. He is trying hard to force the Republican house to actually address immigration. They won’t because they love using it to whip their stupid base.
“He wanted to goad an overreaction that made the GOP look both anti-immigrant and intemperate enough to shut down the government.”
Come on - all Obama did was provide them the opportunity to reveal themselves as the jackasses that they are!
Actually,Nancy has been in charge of the House for quite some time. The important business of the House never gets done without Nancy whipping up Dem votes.
You KNOW it’s bad when Rupert Murdoch’s propaganda outlets pan the GOP.
“Mr. Obama”
They just can’t bring themselves to call him “President Obama.”
Is using “Mr. Obama” supposed to trick us into believing they wouldn’t rather be plastering the editorial page with the word “nigger” or something like “President Blackass”? If so, FAIL.
For which they’ll be rewarded with more power in 2016, if 2010 and 2014 are an indication.
Not so much. They were “panning” the GOP for their ineptitude and failure to put Obama “in his place.”
“this would remove what has long been a procedural barrier to narrow liberal majorities rewriting labor and election laws to hurt conservatives,”
LOL! Someone’s still angry over 1964.
“The sad if predictable irony is that this is exactly what Mr. Obama hoped to incite with his November immigration order,” the editorial said. “He wanted to goad an overreaction that made the GOP look both anti-immigrant and intemperate enough to shut down the government.”
I’m pretty sure the President just wanted a clean DHS bill to sign from the start. Making him responsible for the actions of a bunch of rightwing ideologues is laughable. He didn’t goad anyone. The rightwing nutjobs marginalized themselves in the eyes of minorities, but especially the immigrant community all by themselves, without any help from anyone. Its kind of their thing in case the WSJ hadn’t noticed.