Discussion: WSJ Columnist: Paul For President Because GOP Needs 'Another Humbling Landslide Defeat'

Discussion for article #221250

He’s right and wrong. Nominating a Paul, Cruz, Santorum, Huckabee, etc is just what the party and the country needs in that it would only result in a Democratic landslide and we could finally have some serious debates about what kind of country we want to be. That said, I’m fairly certain it would doom their party for a generation. Black folk are probably gone for at least that long and will likely stay that way unless there’s some huge political shift like we saw in the 60’s. Asians and Latinos are probably still potentially receptive to a fair-minded Republican. He or she wouldn’t need to win those demos yet could win the election with respectable numbers from those groups. If they nominate Rand Paul, all bets are off. I suspect Asian and Latino voters would overwhelmingly solidify as Democratic voters and tune out Republicans much the same as black voters have. So, Rand Paul 2016!

I guess he recognizes that 8 mores years of Democratic control of the White House is coming. Why not make it a teaching moment for republicans.

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Stephens wrote "… that the GOP base should “demand an IQ exam as well as a test of basic knowledge from our congressional and presidential candidates.”

One of my favorite riddles,probably more true than funny goes like this…

What has eleven teeth and an IQ of 87?

The first fifty rows of a Sarah Palin audience.

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I think the first question I would ask any generic candidate on either side is, “how old is the earth?” Things like that. No bullshit nor creationist pandering answers allowed.

Progressives are going to need to take back seats from several red states somewhere along the way, I think 2016 could be a good year for that.

It was great to see President Johnson honored last week… I think people are finally appreciating what a great president he was. Who,in our current day and age, would take the political risks he did in doing what he knew was the right thing to do at the time and motivate, twist arms and cajole congress to get the Civil Rights Act passed?

Honoring President Johnson should serve to remind all progressives and Democrats just how long it takes for good policy to take hold. And make them double down on the ACA.

And this is for you!


Democrats suffered in redistricting last go around because it was in a midterm year. No such luck for Republicans next time. 2020 will be a presidential election year, and my guess is their decline will not be over yet in 2020.

This assumes that the republican would learn anything. Have you seen a shred of evidence they are capable of learning?

While I agree with him on some of his points, who in his view is qualified to be the Republican nominee? I’m guessing it would only be “business friendly” Chris Christie or Jeb Bush. Trouble is they have have to keep the base preoccupied while the tax cut and slash govt. services guys are busy and the only thing they have is the social conservative issues and hatred/fear of others. Otherwise grandma doesn’t really want to lose her Medicare so Donald Trump can get another tax cut…it’s easier to blame an undocumented farm worker for taking (what she considers) her small piece of the pie.

Republicans need to recognize that their party has been dragged (enthusiastically) to the right. Way too far to the right for the taste of mainstream Americans. Appeasing the Tea fringe is not a viable tactic for a national election. Local maybe but not for the White House.

I’m still trying to figure out this whole commenting thing. I seem to be lost at the moment.

Nonetheless, he is correct that Randy Paul would spell doom for the GOP. But he would also be right no matter whose name he used in place of Paul’s. Huckabee would spell doom. Jeb Bush too. So would Cruz, the Mittster, Santorum, Bachmann, Hermain Cain, and all the other clowns.

2016 is simply Hillary’s year. There’s not a Republican that can beat her and they know it.

If Stephens really wants a GOP rout, then he should get behind the Cruz for President bandwagon. Paul will still carry every Southern state but Cruz would be flirting with an electoral vote count awfully similar to Alf Landon in 1936!