Discussion: World Series Champ Questions Evolution, Shocked At Reaction From 'Liberals,' 'Atheists,'

Perhaps he believes the the honorary “Doctorate of Science” he got in 2010 is the same as the real thing.


Hey Schilling, would you mind crossing your feet? We only have 3 nails.


“Schilling… put on his science hat last month with a series of tweets that picked holes in Charles Darwin’s theory.”

Conservative Great Minds pick holes in the cherished beliefs of Librul Scientists:

Theory of evolution: I ain’t never seen no half-monkey half-human baby. Evolution DESTROYED!

Theory of gravity: If gravity says everything must fall down how come I can throw a baseball up in the air? Real high too! Theory of Gravity DEMOLISHED!

Climate change: It still get cold at night don’t it? “Climate change” EXPOSED as librul myth (is there any other kind?).

General Theory of Relativity: I ain’t related to no generals–zero. And I had my whole family tree done too! Einstein’s “theory” OBLITERATED!

PS: TPM: To “pick holes” in something means to show legitimate flaws in the argument. Are you saying that Schilling’s criticisms were effective?


If man is evolved from mud, why isn’t mud still turning into men?


WHY do LIbtards QUestION the True ScieNCE facTS that GOD maDe MAN and THat MONkeY didN"t maKE Man by JUst WILLIng HImseLF to get BraINS, LOSe hair, aND grOW thUMBs. GOD libtards IS STUPID!!!1!11!!!one!!1!!!


Not even good trolling. More evidence we put waaay too much stock in what athletes think about anything beyond what they do as an athlete.


ahhhhh we here in Massachusetts where smart enough to reject his stupid gaming company…after which he claimed we where “anti-business”…one year later he was bankrupt, and RI was out 50 million!!


Every single follower I blocked had in their profile somewhere ‘Atheist’ ‘Liberal’ ‘Democrat’ or some such label.

The picture of tolerance.


Likewise, if woman was created out of a guy’s rib, how come you never find a guy’s rib being created out of a woman?

Also, if God created man in his own image, why do only a few people–namely, old white guys with beards–look like God?



when I want to learn about a screwball I’ll ask Schilling’s opinion.


Sigh…Amazing that evolution deniers interpret the frustration with the rejection of science as some kind of fear of sins being punished.

We are frustrated because we are students of history and we know that the rejection of science and reason in favor of unproven myth and ideology has led history’s greatest social/political disasters. We are angry because the U.S. educational system is already lagging behind much of the developed world in math and science and evolution denial will only contribute to the weakening of our performance in these areas which will increase our dependence of foreign innovation and technology. We are in disbelief because so many of the public comments denying evolution reflect an obvious misunderstanding of basic scientific method, logic and history.

Curt - we are really happy that you survived cancer but please understand that the medical science behind your recovery was made possible by the drug/treatment testing on those species that share 95%+ of your genetic footprint (other primates). I am sure you will attribute it all to the hours of prayer that you employed but I am willing to bet that if your cancer ever returned you wouldn’t fight it without the science that you openly cast doubt upon.


forget schilling, the real stupidity is reserved for christianist apologists espn, fux, abc, nbc, cbs, and all the other fools who have to inject the stupidity of christianist symbols to offend those who want to watch simple sports on television. They are the true fools, until they quit forcing their christianist stupidity on us I follow one practice. My computer is always close, and if I’m watching anything on the wasteland of tv it’s usually in the background. After a play I turn off the sound (if it’s on) and tune out all commercials, only turning the game back on if I remember. The impact is commercials are cut off, and one can get a lot done, and a lot of the christianist horseshit is missed. Try it, you’ll soon like it, only the advertisers won’t. Maybe that will get rid of the christianist stupidity of espn and that others that whore for the right wing. go fuck yourself espn, fux etc.

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I’ll start with the precept that the first couple of points were in response to my post upthread-- as they appear to rebut my descriptions.
The error? MA vs RI? I stand corrected. As per Schilling’s 2004 career year? That-- is what it was.
He was a gamer. Something I do respect.

For the remainder of his 20-year career he had 7 or 8 very good seasons pitching for very good teams.
He was fortunate not to languish on poor teams (think Steve Carlton).
So I feel comfortable describing him as-- lucky and good.

Now. As a Christian whose faith allows for the theory of evolution-- I find myself perilously close to Schilling’s ramblings with regard to my beliefs and how I rationalize and balance both.

And I’ll venture that there are many millions of Christians in this country who are able to do the same within the constructs of how they view their faith.

Where Schilling stumbles?
Is in believing his religious views are somehow of public importance.

He may have been a very good pitcher.
But when he opens his mouth on most non-sports topics?
He definitely comes off as a dolt.

If ESPN were not HQ’d in the Northeast?
He probably wouldn’t have a job with that network.
Schilling is receiving SportsRWNJ Welfare* IMHO.*


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If this former baseball player has a problem with evolution, he needs to consult the same god with whom Pope Francis was given a direct line. Self-righteous celebrities like Shilling put themselves on hold with the Lord acting in such an indulgent way. He’s making a fool of himself challenging science that is accepted by all major religions. That is a fact evangelicals really need to face.

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Born in Alaska. A little junior college in Arizona. And a whole lotta screwball.

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How should those of us who worship Monkey Jesus (or Hanuman, as He is known in India) respond to this?


Curt beaned himself one too many times.

Thank you, Curt, for saving ASL. You are just wrong on this issue, though.

“Hey clown, …”

He loses all respect by beginning his tweet with that salutation. Even if the rest of it wasn’t so ignorant.

As was said elsewhere, the people of Rhode Island have been swindled enough by his pro-business welfare schemes. He can do them all a favor by going quietly.

Funny how it’s always the neanderthals that don’t believe in evolution.