Discussion: World Economy Forecast To Slow In 2019 Amid Trade Tensions

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Well, from now until the resignation, everything will be fantastic and never better in America and the world except for the total disasters caused by Trump not getting his way in every little particular. This will be repeated in an unvarying ritual.



Global headwinds. High tariff taxes. Cheaper foreign competition. Weak stocks. Cash-starved middle class. Explosive debt.

Republicans really do seem determined to roll back all of President Obama’s effective programs. Including a good economy.


Corporate debt is scaring bond analysts.

I heard Doubleline’s Jeff Gundlach say the same about BBB bonds and their increasing percentage of investment grade bond portfolios.

Also hear and read a lot about how business leaders are sitting tight because of DJT’s unpredictability. He has no consistent policy, and they are not willing to risk committing to projects until they trust the president much more.

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Including a good economy.

Not to be picky but it was a marginal economy - not ‘good’.
Obama’s GDP 2nd term was under 2.0%


Economy Forecast has nothing to do with Global Warming or Non-Stop Wars

We live in a world of white picket fences and machete-wielding Argentinian rapists. How is this possible?


you got it

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Well, Trump:

DJT Makes his fingers longer in photos before publishing.


We live in a world of pure imagination, having elected Veruca Salt to lead us.


So, never.

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Or we get a new one.

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It’s that damn Republican propaganda; - )

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Warned that serious economic damage was on the horizon and probably only after his second term (big fucking as if to that notion), all moron could say was

“Yeah, but I won’t be here,” the president bluntly said, according to a source who was in the room when Trump made this comment during discussions on the debt.

@darcy We can quibble about how productive or effective the Obama admin was but I’m pretty sure he never said anything like this.


Well, that’s Trump, innit? Anything that doesn’t affect his stature in the public’s eyes at this precise moment is of zero importance. The only thing that matters is how well the scam is going over.


The entire world economy is moron’s own private casino, and he’s rolling the dice and hoping he’s lucky. If we didn’t know how many casinos failed, we too might feel more hopeful.


he feels more like augustus gloop to me

oompa loompa doopady do
having this president is making me blue
oompa loompa doopady dee
he is as stupid as stupid can be

and yes, these are from the movie,not the book, but I’m too lazy to get up and get it from my shelf


You get the late-in-the-day Intertubes Award for summoning up Augustus Gloop because according to Wiki, and it’s something to crow over, this:

Augustus Gloop is an obese, greedy, gluttonous boy, the first person to find a Golden Ticket and one of the four main antagonists of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

He has a binge eating disorder and often has food smeared on his face.

the book rhyme that the oompa loompas sing begins (as I can recall)

Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop,
That great big dirty nincompoop

so seems apt