Accuracy and truth are terribly overrated commodities.
It took her until now to do this? I smell a rat.
The only thing more insane than the level of disorder and chaos in the Trump campaign is the fact that he and Hillary are so close in the polls. It’s as though Trump is going out of his way to make a complete mockery of our electoral process and nobody is even bothering to notice. It’s utterly surreal. This is more like performance art than it is a Presidential campaign yet… nobody seems to care.
Wonder what her binder’s full of?
“I was very honored to be asked to join Trump’s Economic Advisory Council”
Pretty much tells me everything I need to know.
initial list of economic advisors featured no women and six guys named Steve
It simply does not pay to work for Drumpf…
That is why she declined the offer…
This is because the MSM is DESPERATE to have a “horse race” so they can rake in the ad revenue.
They have worked very, VERY hard to prop up Trump so it doesn’t turn into a laugher, all to protect their bottom line.
A typical Presidential year has nearly $2 BILLION in ad money available, but this year it is way, WAY down because Trump doesn’t advertise, and Hillary is holding back. The Oligarch-controlled Media is terrified of the effect on their bottom line and frankly, their management would prefer Trump as President because he would be a non-stop outrage-machine (which sells ads) and he would gut all anti-monopoly laws and let them run wild in mergers (which are ALWAYS a massive windfall for the executives.)
Face it. While the ELECTION is not “rigged”, the coverage of the election surely is.
Damn, beat me to it!
Chiselin’ Trump: “I have women full of binders!”
Tolerates low quality and poor performance.
I don’t think money is driving it, although I could be wrong.
Broadcasters used to be loathe to sell political ads, because the law allowed them to only charge an amount equal to the cheapest commercial ad they sold.
I think part of what you’re noticing is the decimation of actual journalism (news). We’ve seen a proliferation of commentary shows, which purposely try to blur the line to journalism, while they operate on the finely-tuned conservative propaganda practice.
You state something that is shockingly counter to a core value — the more shocking, the better, and the more core, the better. When the inevitable outrage starts (promotion) you assert your total devotion to the “real” core value, and then just churn the living daylight out of all the hubbub, attacking those who attack you, applauding those who spin a rationalization your way, and squeeze every drop of word-of-mouth benefit out of it that you can. In the end, you abandon your starting point, leaving behind a wake of confused people who are absolutely certain they have a real bead on what’s going on.
You recognize the serious destructiveness of this perversion. Keep up the good work. I enjoy your comments.
the unreal mc-coy
She must have rejected Roger the Hutt and his casting couch vetting process.
No doubt still working on repealing Obamacare.
She can only destroy one thing at a time. Once she deprives ordinary people of health insurance, she can then look into depriving them of economic opportunities as well.
Trump spox:
Since Mr Trump did not intend to listen to her advice, we felt we were justified in including her name among the other economic advisors Mr Trump would not be listening to.
Betsy McCaughey, a columnist and notorious Obamacare critic…
You neglected to add “known fabricator/liar” to her resume.
Imagine having a résumé that says “Paid Liar”