Discussion: Woman Killed Just 3 Hours After Filing Police Report Against Attacker

Discussion for article #233449

Another NRA wet dream.


Another Wednesday murder-almost suicide.

In addition to the result, can we get the info down the road how the alleged killer came into possession of the weapon? Was it stolen? Did he get it from a garage sale, a gun runner, a relative or companion straw seller with a clean record, a licensed (or unlicensed) gun dealer- legit like Cabela’s or corrupt, a classified ad, the internet? In short, was it obtained in the secondary sale market or by original purchase?

These are significant questions on which we must have data before we can determine which gun laws are most effective and most likely to reduce the carnage. If it turns out, for example, that 80 to 90% of guns used in crimes were distributed by corrupt gun dealers, on the secondary market or stolen, then an engineering approach is needed to address the weapon, not just original buyers.


Obviously a responsible gun owner turned to the dark side by an evil enchantress.


Now was he a bad guy with a gun who becaome a good guy with a gun when he blew his own brains out or was he an all-around bad guy with a gun?

And where was the NRA to protect her?


A Texan and she didn’t carry her own gun? As the NRA-approved t-shirt reads, “Don’t call 911, call Smith and Wesson”.

Snark aside, this is a sad American tragedy.