Discussion: Woman Fatally Shoots Husband After Mistaking Him For Intruder

Discussion for article #234389

Are you sure she just didn’t walk into a Starbucks?

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Court records don’t list an attorney for her.

Better Call Saul.


More guns must be the answer.


That’s the beauty of the NRA’s reasoning. Guns are both the problem and the answer.


Guns and Meth always a good combination.


Color me a sceptic, but I don’t think this was an accident.

Darwin’s little angels…


It’s right there in the 2nd 'Mendmunt…a well armed Methlititia = Fweedom!

But seriously…this is from the Onion right? Trista Zickefoose? Sounds like a quickie you’d pay for in Roman back alley. Some college freshman journalism student came up with that name right??


Its an Okay combination, but the smell of burnt gun powder conflicts with the sweet sweet smoke from the pipe. Now booze and guns, there’s a real combination.


In a Go Cup!

Apparently the police call went to and was responded to by the local police in Punxsutawney. I’ve been there, and to Gobbler’s Knob to the southeast, as far as the Ugly Run; and of course further south and west is Pittsburgh. Just can’t figure out where Knox Dale is in relation to all that.

Addition via subtraction

Google, dude, Google. The result is great, one Main St, two alleys, and a road on the outskirts called, I sh*t you not, R & B road. Might as well put up a 50 ft. billboard: “Get Meth HERE.”

It’s German, from the Ruhr Valley. It means “Goat Foot”.

Central Pennsylania has one of the biggest populations of Ruhr Valley Germans in the world, outside the Ruhr Valley itsefl. Apparently they derive from some 1,700 or so families of Zeigenfuss, Zehfuss, Odenwald, Odins, Odenwalden, Odenkirgun (Bob Odenkirk?), and Zickafoos, all sorts of spellings.


So you’re saying that a “Trista Zickafoose” hearkens back to B.C. when the Romans subdued the Germanic tribes and brought captives back for entertainment? As opposed to, say, a Trista LeNaploleon or a the always popular in Rome on St Paddies Day Trista O’Doul??

The well-regulated militia has spoken again. At least the gun is safe, even though the husband is dead and the wife is going to meth jail.


So if Meth or other drugs weren’t involved, you think this would be chalked up to a “tragic accident?”

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I too think there is more to this than meets the eye.

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It’s up where the old scholhouse used to be.