Discussion: Woman Accidentally Shot In the Buttocks After Husband Picked Up Backpack With Gun Inside

And notice that Georgia’s “guns everywhere” law specifically excludes them from the capitol building. If you can carry guns on a public playground, why not in the halls of the state legislature, I’d like to know!


Because Republican lawmakers think their own lives are precious while children are just so much garbage.

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It was all Kim’s fault. She was wearing bright yellow pants and Kent thought it was a traffic sign.

By the way, did the bullet end up in Kim’s ass or Kelly’s? Whoever that is.

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So, it hit Kimberly Scott in the left buttock, but got lodged in Kelly Scott’s right buttock. Isn’t that one too many wives per household? And magic bullets flying everywhere!

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This couple obviously needs more guns.

Everyone knows you should keep a gun on you for safety. Why, just look at all the news articles about how guns were used to save someone. You rarely see articles like this more than once or twice a day. snerk

More guns and more buttocks.