Discussion: Witnesses Report Gunshots And Explosions At A Hotel And Casino Complex In The Philippine Capital

Trump Tower Manila AKA Trump Tower at Century City? Did Duterte check-in?


I blame Trump…oh wait I mean Obama…I forgot the president had changed, but the blame remains the same!

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I love Filipinos, they must be the nicest and happiest people in the world. Yet somehow they decided to elect murdering bastard Duterte, and now the country is exploding with violence.


As news of the attack spread, U.S. President Donald Trump offered the thoughts and prayers of the American people to the Philippines.

“It is really very sad as to what’s going on throughout the world with terror,” he said from the White House Rose Garden. He said he is “closely monitoring the situation” and will continue to provide updates.

Just as some said last week about Trump’s instant response to this kind of thing contrasted with his response to domestic Christian terrorists.


I love Americans. They are the most affluent, comfortable people on the planet. Yet they’ve managed to elect a spectacularly uninformed, bigoted and unhinged huckster to the Presidency. God help us all and prayers to the good people of the Philippines.


Especially since it was a robbery…

I can assure you that most Americans had nothing to do with the election of Donald Trump. Though as I type this, I am realizing that if you add the number of people who actually voted for him, to those who decided not to vote at all, maybe I’m wrong.


Wow. Just saw that… head shakes…

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One of these times, it’s gonna be a trump property that gets blown to bits. And then what? No limit of blood or treasure will be too much for Hair Fuhrer to expend.

That is a grim scenario, and sadly not unrealistic at all. Instead of “blood for oil,” it would be “blood for brand.”

And, horribly enough, an ISIS attack on a Trump property would probably be a huge political boon for Trump, as it would reinforce in the pea-brains of many Americans the notion that it’s Trump and America vs. ISIS. Whereas in reality, Trump is ISIS’s wet dream.

The scary part is the possibility that the leadership of ISIS might well be clever enough to realize that striking a Trump property at the right time – say 3-6 months before the 2020 election – might help Trump win a second term (due to the rally-round-the-flag effect), keeping him in place as ISIS’s star recruiter, and of course keeping the U.S. weak and divided, while promoting the narrative of a clash between Islam and the West, a narrative that both Trump and ISIS actively promote.

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Though terror was used, the motive was robbery, not pure terrorism. Trump once again demonstrates his ability to shamelessly get little things as well as big things WRONG.

So frustrating to have an ass heehawing horseshit from the White House. Please hurry Counselor Mueller and nail this ass.