Discussion: With Trump Order Barring WH Docs, Hicks Turning Over Campaign Docs To Congress

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Next impeachable act of obstruction.

Pelosi, if not Him, Who? And if not Now, When?


Did I read that right that Hicks is turning over some docs? Does a trickle turn into a flood? All it would take is for a few key players to move away from Trump and cooperate with Nadler to get the public hearings process going (and I don’t mean the John Dean hearing. I did see him speak once in person. Nice guy. Thoughtful, but we’re discussing Trump, not impeaching Nixon).


Seems it may be that Hope Hicks doesn’t want to take the fall for tRump. Who would have guessed that she has a spine and an at least semi-functional moral compass.


Sternly worded letters.

Yeah, like that’s going to leave marks.

Make it stick, Nadler. Make it stick. Put some teeth into this. The time for playing nicely is past.



I’m happy to see this. I’d like to see them play this ‘win’ a lot louder. Let’s dangle the possible/probably contents out in the media. Get the public thinking she HAS turned ‘states evidence’.

Not entirely true? Doesn’t matter. Controlling the narrative is important. We should take every ‘win’ - however incremental and harp loudly about it. Not just a simple statement.

Where are our talking heads? They need to go public RIGHT NOW. Start booking.

Because FOX already has their pushback on speed dial.


It appears that our Constitutional safe guards are not working.


“We will continue to seek reasonable accommodation on these and all our discovery requests and intend to press these issues when we obtain the testimony of both Ms. Hicks and Ms. Donaldson.”

Allow me to translate Nadler’s quote into English. “I do not take my sworn oath to uphold the Constitution seriously, nor does Speaker Pelosi. Ms. Hicks and Ms. Donaldson are free to continue breaking the law and holding Congress in contempt. In truth, no one holds Congress in greater contempt that House Democrats.”


I see what Nadler is trying to do here, but I don’t know if it’s going to work. He’s trying to paint Hicks and Donaldson as unwilling victims of trump’s unlawful orders: their ex-boss is telling them to go to jail for him.


Apparently Hope Hicks isn’t entirely stupid. Good I guess, as Nadler noted, lets see if she turns over the rest.


It sounds repetitive to say this, but if Obama had blocked any cooperation with the House for one month, he would have been impeached. There is no possible legal basis for this stonewall, it is brazen Executive overreach, and it should be 72 point font headlines in every newspaper in the country.

But lest we forget, here is Peter King in 2014: ““For him to walk out — I’m not trying to be trivial here — in a light suit, a light tan suit, saying that first he wants to talk about what most Americans care about, and he said that’s the revision of second quarter numbers on the economy… This is a week after Jim Foley was beheaded, and he’s trying to act like, you know, real Americans care about the economy, not about ISIS and not about terrorism.”


or perhaps she is getting sound advice.


I share your frustration, but how do you think Nadler should proceed? Which actions could he take that would have a high likelihood of succeeding without recourse to the courts?


Doesn’t want to go to jail for him.

Not even his own Hopey Hope. No loyalty to his almost certain old-man creeping. Sad!!!


Nadler and pelosi are being played like fiddles…

Nadler doesn’t even realize that “executive privilege” wasn’t invoked. So he’s yapping about documents that HE says are not covered by executive privillege when that is irrelevant (not to mention an entirely questionable assertion).

So Nadler will EVENTUALLY go to court. EVENTUALLY win. THEN Trump will claim exec. privilege – and Nadler will probably lose that case, when its finally decided three or more years into the future.

create a select committee on impeachment. Empower it to use inherent contempt to detain witnesses. STOP SCREWING AROUND.


Someone in the Trump admin who is going to follow the law etc - wow!
Good for her!


Hopey’s lawyer advised her that you can’t get highlights in the prison salon.


I guess she realized loyalties are meaningless to Trump


As previously noted, the inquiries need to start sooner rather than later. He needs to convince Pelosi that the optics of offenders thumbing their noses at the legal process are really and truly awful. There is enough information out there to make the inquiries stick without too many judges putting the kibosh on it, especially given that oversight is part and parcel of the constitutional requirement of the House of Reps.

Nadler is a joke among the offenders because they’ve gotten away with so much for so long. That needs to come to a screeching halt. Formal inquiries are probably the best way.