Discussion: With Trump Ally At Helm, TMZ Ditches Celebrity Gossip For MAGA Messaging

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To be a friend of tRump in any real sense, you’d need to be as sick as he is. And also have someone watch your back at all times.


And what stations carry TMZ?



It’s hard to find someone creepier than Harvey Levin. I wonder if he’s been disbarred yet?


And here I thought TMZ was always such a great source for factual reporting on issues of national and international significance.

I am extremely disappointed by this revelation.


While Trump slowly boils us all, he is steadily replacing his cabinet secretaries and lawyers with TV versions of the same. I’m sending positive energy into the universe for RBG, because I really don’t want to see her succeeded by Judith Sheindlen.


When your staffers leave because coverage has become too absurd compared to normal Kardashian fare, you know you’ve left behind any semblance of reasonableness!


If it is true that you can judge people by the company they keep, then Harvey Levin and the president have done what I would have thought impossible yesterday: They’ve managed to make me think even less of them that I already did.


When you have a Republican controlled Congress, FOXNews, The National Enquirer and now TMZ on your side, what’s left?

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TMZ: A River of Sludge Before, A River of Sludge After, A River of Sludge Forever

Eventually some of the Trump dangerous behavior against our Republic will end up before the SCOTUS. When it happens we’ll know the fate of this Country by how they vote. It could be the real beginning of the end.

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Thank you TMZ founder Harvey Levin for your efforts. You have confirmed that my scumbag detector is fully operational. You always struck me as the kind of guy that should be kept at least 500 yards from a school zone.


Not a lawyer, so my question is this: what is the counterbalance to the Supreme Court? I know the story about Jackson saying to the Supreme Court, essentially, “make me” in Worcester v. Georgia. Who else can push back (other than changing the makeup of the House in November)? Mass demonstrations in the street?

Someone recently characterized the November 2018 vote as the most important since before the Civil War. I’m now convinced it IS on that scale of importance to the future of our Nation…


You do know that TMZ stands for Thirty Mile Zone? 500 yards isn’t nearly enough.

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They can see for miles and miles and miles.

TMZ is such a sick show to begin with. Ambushing celebrities, usually people I have never heard of, for kicks is like a comedian who relies solely on fart jokes for humor. It gets boring really fast. So I haven’t watched TMZ for a long time.


His piehole looks like a gaping void

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Even more “Altered State Media.”

He looks like he’s about to strain krill.