Discussion: With Authoritarian-Minded Bolsonaro Ahead, Brazilians Head To Polls

Oh good grief, what the world needs another authoritarian and Brazilians as dumb as Americans voting.


The world is quickly becoming an increasingly dangerous place, that out and proud authoritarians are running and often winning election is scary. The technology they have at their hands also makes it increasingly difficult for the rest of us to push back against authoritarianism.

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Not even close. Brazil has massive problems with violence and its economy. People are desperate for change.

When the US voted in 2016, things were going well and Clinton would have continued on a very similar course. Trumpp was voted in by people who believed in imaginary problems and in Trumpp’s imaginary abilities to solve problems real and imaginary.


Brazil does have actual problems but that doesn’t excuse people for voting for a madman.

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Hard to see how a right wing authoritarian will make things better. Lets see how long does it take Brazil to catch up with the Philippines in extra-judicial executions.

Hey Brazil
Berlusconi? Non ha funzianato. Impara dal nostro errore.
Cordiali Saluti,
La Corvo

More than a dozen U.S. Democratic congressmen have written a letter urging Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to make clear that American aid to and cooperation with Brazil “is contingent on the upholding of basic human rights and democratic values by its leaders.”

And Pompeo is currently weighing his options as far as ignoring or laughing hysterically at the request.

Authoritarian-minded? Try full on fascist. Hes promised to kill people and get rid of the reds. You’re looking at Duterte or Pinochet here. He’s also promised to pull Brasil from the Paris Accords and to exploit the Amazon. Bolsonaro is a danger to the world.

He’s not as dumb as Trump, but even MORE inflammatory. Worse than Trump if you can believe that. Like Trump though, the evangelicals (quickly becoming the majority religion in Brasil) are lock step behind him. His election would be all sorts of bad news…

Bolsonaro won! Great news for undertakers and casket makers! Gun & Ammo manufactures stock up!

And how does that change what I said?