strap him to the catalytic converter…
Kobach also “advised” more than one potential presidential candidate, and of course, went hog shootin’ from a chopper with Brother Nugent.
But Kobach’s endorsement seems to carry some sort of karma with it, right after he endorsed Rick Perry for Pres, Perry had his infamous Texas Sized “OOPS” debate moment, and Kris pivoted quickly to Mitt.
No one will ever accuse Kobach of NOT being able to pivot.
One thing that is rarely reported about Kobach is his lifelong reputation for being aggressively self-serving and dangerously ambitious. But scratch his history and those facts become painfully obvious to anyone who glossed over them before.
Kobach doesn’t just want to be liked, he wants to be PRESIDENT!
I once rode across Kansas on a pedal bicycle twice and so had the chance to stop in many small farm towns along the way to eat at the local cafes. The mornings were the best. Working man sized plates of eggs, toast, potatoes bacon, and fresh coffee while listening to the farmers catch up on crop and local news. They knew I was not a farmer because farmers don’t wear lycra shorts and bright colored jerseys; probably because the seed companies don’t give them away. Once they found out I was riding historical trails the conversation changed and they would begin to tell me about how their grandparents had journeyed out and settled the prairie homesteads and developed their farms. To make a long story short, if it’s not already too late, rural Kansas people have community and history based behaviors that depend more on local observation and experience than outside news sources. They tend to be conservative from ties to the unchanging needs of soil, seed, livestock and a once a year payday. The dinky little towns are too small to be infested with McDonalds and Walmarts. There is a natural conservative base that reflects the life style rather than manufactured tea bagger fears. Whoever thinks these people will vote against their own interests to the point of endangering their farm and small town lifestyle will be sadly disappointed.
One morning as I was leaving one of those little cafes, a farmer jokingly asked if I thought riding a bike to Oregon was more fun than farming. He said it was a good answer when I replied: “What isn’t?”
Kobach lost in his first attempt to become the SOS. In his second try, he teamed up with Brownback and rode the tea party wave to the office. From all indications, that wave in Kansas is over, and their vision for how government should be run has failed.
Let us not forget that Kris Koback of Kansas is also leading the charge for the extremist Self Deportation ideologue fringe of the conservative movement. He wants Americans of color to return to the countries of origin. He was the chief advisor on immigration matters for vulture capitalist, tax cheat, pension thief and severe conservative Mitt Romney.
Wow. I am always fascinated how along the way to an election, some “sure thing” stops looking sure, and always in some state where we think “that can never happen THERE!”, but really it all can happen anywhere!
I’m so dispirited by what efforts must be taken just to get people to take the scared opportunity, right and privilege to simply show up and VOTE!
I meant “sacred”, nobody is scared to vote!
That thought is making me queasy…and it’s pretty early in the day to be thinking about brain bleach (bourbon).
Will Rinsed Penis come riding in on his magic Jeezus unicorn to save the day???
Played tennis yesterday morning with bunch of friends, all R’s who are anti gummint and Obama and V.A. and on and on. I asked them if they were voting in the primary later in the day, and most didn’t even know there was one, and no one said they would bother to vote. Being the only Dem in the crowd, and the only one who voted makes me kinda proud. The turnout was extremely low however in both parties, and doesn’t bode well for future elections.
He is the author of AZ’s Papers Please law. He is the author of many other ALEC endorsed laws that have found their way into other states.
If nothing else you can use those “credentials” to weaken his Tea Party, Small Government base. After all he is promoting making all state laws be unified, be written exactly the same, so he is promoting the weakening of each state’s individuality and forcing them to become one with “Big Government”.
Show that he gets his money from out of state sources, that his interests, and his time, have been spent on out of state issues. So that he has billed other states for time that he has worked for them, then show the overlap where Kansas was paying his paycheck while he was also collecting “consulting fees” from other states. Tea Partiers must surely hate double dipping politicians, and to show that their darling is one would be a great way to weaken his support from them.
President??? That would mean an election, and that is antithetical to his way of thinking. Kobach wants to be CZAR!
In his own mind, he already is. Laws are simply temporary obstructions to his destiny.
This is a far more interesting story than Bill Maher contemplating voting for Rand Paul. This has real consequences. I am delighted if this scum bag bastard is in trouble.
“Your papers please” Kobach should also release his own tax return papers over the past three years to demonstrate how much of his income stems from out-of-state consulting gigs, writing other state’s immigration and voting laws. He’s been challenged by his Dem opponent to do this, he he looks the other direction.
Kobach! Your papers, please!
I have a feeling we’ll need to stock up on popcorn just to watch the returns from Kansas.
BTW, national dems like the DNC etc. need to make an example out of Kansas in national ads. “This is what the republican agenda enacted looks like: exhibit A - KANSAS” with lots of pics of closed schools, etc. etc. etc.
That same rural community farming tied-to-the-land life style exists in Southern Ohio where I grew up. I am sure it is very similar to Kansas. But there are more mid-sized towns than in Kansas where people can be convinced to vote against their self interest and they’re too low information to recognize it.
I will be very happy should Kris Kobach goes down to ignominious defeat in November.
It’s the Eric Cantor scenario, sort of. The cocky, ego filled big shot gets knocked down. Of course Cantor moved right into a million plus as year job, but better these sharks are in their natural environment than affecting our government directly.
Maybe there’s hope for Kansas after all.
Now, if we can kick these RWNJ’s out of MO. legislature, we can restore sanity to the Midwest.