Discussion: Wisconsin GOP To Vote On Secession

Discussion for article #221094

It’s what I’ve been expecting. More states will follow…

Just unbelievable. The powers that be in the Republican party have completely dropped the reins. Things are going to get much worse in that party before they get better, I’m afraid.

This is what happens when you spend the better part of 50 years throwing out more and more red meat to an increasingly hateful, rabid base of terrified, angry people. In recent years, the red meat tossing has been on overdrive which is why the Republican base has become increasingly divorced from reality. You’d think at some point party leaders would begin to do something to address this problem, but they’re not. They’re just going to keep pouring shots for a drunk they wish would sober up.

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The Tea Party are not an Astroturf (artificial grassroots) movement after all. Turns out they’re all fertilizer and no weed barrier.

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Umm - didn’t Wisconsin fight on the side opposing secession when this initially came up in a big way? So why is the Party of Lincoln on the other side of this now? Unless they are no longer actually the Party of Lincoln?

Like I said about the great cattle grazing kerfluffle, no issue settled 100 years ago is too set in stone for the GOP not to dig up from the grave. I expect FOX will go after standard time next. It’s a federal government plot to confiscate our sundials!

The public face of the conservative agenda can be reduced to spreading lies and disinformation in the most cynical way. Ignorance and the Republican party: Super Best Friends Forever!

“… deliberate manipulation created to maintain an anti-scientific narrative to foster ignorance, mistrust and uphold a larger political agenda.”

This very succinct quote from Universe Today, a website not known for making statements like this. The reference is regarding the “DId We Land on the Moon” FOX crapumentary.

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Joe, if Wisconsin republicans wish to take their state out of the union then they may find it’s not such a good deal in actual reality. Did not the country already have this discussion around 150 years ago and reach a conclusion?

Fluoridation is a commie plot because, you know, Benghaziiiiiiiiii!!!

If you’re not wealthy, racist, anti-choice, an Evangelical, a homophobe or a gun fetishist then you really have no reason to vote GOP. In order to keep their base inside the tent, they have to keep them ignorant. Informed voters aren’t going to continually vote against their own interest.