Discussion: Wisconsin GOP Angles To Oust Liberal Supreme Court Chief Justice

Discussion for article #232257

Seig Heil to Fuehrer Walker.


‘Increasingly hardball’. Euphemism of the day.


The government of the State of Wisconsin has been overthrown by an invisible palace coup. It’s long past time that the voters stop sending crazy Republicans to run their legislature, while the Goggle-Eyed Homunculus sells off the state’s resources to the highest bidder. Robert Lafollette is spinning rapidly in his grave, crying softly to himself. When will be rid of these criminals??


Yep. It means “government in the hands of a nihilistic authoritarian movement party that openly sneers at the rule of law once it gains power.”


Read this article. It’s full of Liberal / Conservative crap. That’s the problem. Not whether a Liberal or a Conservative sits at the top of the court but that we now acknowledge political ideology is what’s driving these Justices. And that that is OK now.

Scotty being Scotty. Kind of like that job you had where the bosses nephew was hired after you and promoted ahead of you.

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I don’t know, this state was firmly blue when we had unions and small farmers - when are those coming back?

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I wonder which of the Koch brothers thought of this.

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Actually, they likely pay people to think of things for them.

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The Democratic Party has decided that the Politics of Identity are the way to go. They promote illegals, they promote gay marriage. They fail to promote anything of interest to the majority of American voters. No American voters are illegals. Promoting illegals alienates normal American voters. Only a tiny proportion are gay. Focusing on gay marriage does nothing for rural voters. Rural voters in MI, WI, OH, PA, NY, and most states are noticing. I wonder when the Democrats will realize that they have lost American voters for a generation. This is EXACTLY why there are three areas in WI which vote D - LaCrosse, Eau Claire, and Milwaukee. The rest, including the increasingly red Milwaukee suburbs, vote R. This is exactly why Walker has won 3 times, and why Johnson will be very difficult to defeat.

True. It’s probably a lucrative gig if you can stand the stench and don’t have any mirrors at home.

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Republicans don’t use mirrors, like vampires there is no reflection.

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60 years ago, Edward R. Murrow asked “Have you no shame?” And some bright spark realized “Hey, we could get much more power if we could simply breed up a bunch of politicians and commentators who didn’t have any shame.”

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Have you ever been to WI, or ever talked to a person from a rural area? or to a working-class person? I didn’t think so. Do you know anything about rural areas? I didn’t think so. Obviously the term “bullshit” is the closest you have ever gotten to either part of that word.