Discussion: Will There Be A Shutdown Fight Over Syrian Refugees?

Discussion for article #242907

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the whip up of hysteria over taking in refugees, from a situation directly traceable back to a previous President’s decisions, sounds to me like the same hysteria that was whipped up over the ‘Ebola Crisis’ or the moral outrage over the phony Planned Parenthood video…

any bets on what the next Republican outrage will be after this one dies down?


I find it interesting that NOWHERE in this discussion are the GOPers actually proposing anything even remotely constructive toward the issue of the US helping and/or accepting refugees in need.

If the issue is that they’re concerned that the screening process is not up to their standards (whatever the heck that might be), then instead of killing the program, WHY NOT FUND IT to the point where the screenings will be up to what they believe is an appropriate level? Why not fix it?

That in and of itself is sufficient to shut the GOPers down on this panic attack and call them out for what they truly are: incredibly stupid raging xenophobic bigots.


The terrorists are getting three for one from the Paris attacks, the killing of innocent civilians, the punishing of the refugees who are fleeing them,and making America look so weak and cowardly in the eyes of the world they will abandon their principles,and the people who need them at the first sign of trouble. The last two The GOP are handing them on a silver platter.



ISIL and this zombie belief that the president is either a sympathizer, a Muslim or both.

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JEB! Can fix it.

But seriously, they are the party of breaking things, so they refuse to offer constructive suggestions.


Tom Price’s suggestion that we “must suspend our refugee program until certainty is brought to the vetting process” is the least unreasonable of the GOP statements. It will be telling to see if Ryan can follow that line.

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“Awesome, here are some Syrian refugees-”


(I wish I could take credit for that, but I stole it from someone else)


"America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.
- Ronald Reagan

Just kidding.


Hey Republicans have to shut down the government over something, right? Might as well be this so they can have more time off for the Thanksgiving holiday. His ratings amongst his fellow Republicans will soar like a turkey!

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The Bedwetter Caucus


As if it matters. He’ll choose the worst possible “solution” by pandering to our worst instincts. He’s not capable of anything else.

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Would this be a bad time to bring up turning the other cheek?

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Very small people. No resemblance to history’s big thinkers and important characters. More like the perpetual complainers that populate the condo and homeowner’s association meetings. Never helpful, always quick with a caustic remark. They are never thought of kindly.


Had this happened sometime in the summer, perhaps the Rethugs would get away with more sympathy towards their racist, ignorant brethren. As it’s happening around the holidays, I really don’t think a majority of Americans are going to cheer a government shutdown on this.

By the way, if the Democrats want to get really ugly about this in response to a gov’t. shutdown, by all means, show the pic of the dead 5 year old Syrian toddler whose body washed up on a shore in Turkey with the caption “THESE are the terrorists you’re afraid of. Merry Christmas.”


My German grandmother used the line: ‘Kleiner Mann, Ganz Groß’ - A little man who is now the big shot.

She used it for another ‘little man’…


“Shining city on a hill” my ass.


All I can think of is the classic Gary Larson “Kat Fud” cartoon. It is all over Google, just ask for Gary Larson Kat Fud if you do not know this classic cartoon. It tells me all I need to know or want for the GOP and another stupid shutdown threat. Why do people vote for these dangerous clowns? Do they watch Steven King horror movies and root for the evil clown?

This is a link to examples of the cartoon on Tumblr:


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Thank you! The Kat Fud situation has always been the best way to describe the GOP’s predicament in the normal world.

Mr. Ryan should step down only because he’s ashamed to be a member of the non-racists republican party.