Discussion: Will The Ex-Con Win? Polls Closed In Key Primary States

Knowing the GOPā€™s luck, heā€™ll probably win and cost them the general

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I drank Dennisā€™ koolaid a long time ago hoping to push this party to the left. Cordray has got a lot more problems than Kerry did in ā€˜o4. I sure would prefer the conversation Ohio will have thru November should the little fella take the nite. Results are a different story.

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Kucinich just got his Trump-loving ass handed to him. Buh-bye, Dennis ā€” donā€™t let the door hit you in your troll ass on the way out. On second thought, let it hit you. Several times. With increasing force. Good riddance to a dickhead.


No Department of Peace for Ohio.


Maybe Dennis can start the DOHFT ā€” the Department of Has-Beens for Trump.


Iā€™ll just look forward to voting for Menaceā€™s wife some day. She couldnā€™t possibly run a less effective campaign than Sec. Clinton.

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Why donā€™t you just support Trump like youā€™ve done all along and cut out the middle man?


The Republican Party plans to discard all values.

Watch for excessive values-based propaganda, reaching a near hysterical level of religiosity, nationalistic pomp, and justification of higher gas prices.


And another Dem candidate endorsed by Sandersā€”or his familyā€”goes down. Nina Turner has a sad.


Hypocrisy is banal, but if the GOP had itā€™s way, this reprobateā€™s crime would have never been illegal in the first place. So hate the loser and love the loss, but the nominee isnā€™t even slightly better.


Iā€™m more interested in GOP turnout.

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That isnā€™t as helpful in Ohio as you might think. Ohio has open primaries and no party affiliation at registration. When a voter arrives at the polls, she is asked if she wants a ā€œDā€ ballot, an ā€œRā€ ballot, or an ā€œIssuesā€ ballot.

I believe the turnout numbers are more a measure of voter interest in the top-of-the-ballot races than enthusiasm in the base.

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Now that you mention it, turnout for both parties would be the most important information we donā€™t have now, wouldnā€™t it?

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Funny how murdering coal miners turns out not to be very popular with West Virginians.


While I almost expected Blankenship to win in WV (which would make Manchinā€™s job soooo easy), Iā€™m glad that most voters in the Mountaineer State had enough sense not to vote for someone of the lunatic fringe. Now we can only hope that they realize that, although Trump promised to bring coal jobs back, that he sold them a bunch of empty promises and refute his agenda. #rememberinnovember


Not something smart people brag about.



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No worries for Blankenship. He has his other career to fall back on. Maybe he can reunite with the Underweartaker?


BOO! Blankenship down!! One would think the contamination of WV from coal mining would have been enough to stupify the brains of the voters and put him over the top.

At least you can thank Indiana for sending Rokita and Messer back into this wonderful labor market 45 takes credit for.