Discussion: Will National Democrats' Top Primary Headache Win The Nomination Tuesday?

This is my district. Horns of a dilemma, vote my heart or my brain.


Ah yes, the DCCC … they’re so … effective.



The DCCC has aided one of two flawed candidates by opposing her. My guess is in this district if you can point to being opposed by the DCCC you have a better chance in the general. The Democratic National Committee is facing a lot of internal opposition this year from members who really want to see change. Maybe it is time the DNC and DCCC embraced the future.

I do understand the DCCC’s problem. The oligarchs funding the traditional Democratic organizations want to maintain control. They pay a lot of money to the “national Democrats” to keep all of us in line. The rank and file voters are sick and tired of the same old, same old. It seems unlikely the old guard can deliver for both.


Would most voters in her district agree with her sentiments, though? They have convenient access to world class art and cultural events, top notch medical care and any luxury consumer experience their heart may desire, as well as a socially liberal milieu which likely cannot be said about Paris TX. I lived in Chicagoland then Houston for 25 years and now in San Antonio–I could honestly never imagine living in such a relatively small place as Paris TX


Fletcher should have the edge in the run off and would be the better candidate imho. I’ve watched a number of her interviews and she has a good temperament and solid center-left credentials that will work well in that Houston area district.

Moser has moderated her tone and message for the run off so she might not come off as shrill and far left to the voters in the district as she may have in the initial primary. That said, there’s a real difference in the campaign styles of the two. Fletcher tends to always be issue based. Moser has focused more on issues in the run off, but often likes to draw attention to her personality. For example, Moser has a whole ‘mean tweets’ video up on her twitter page where she reads tweets that people have said about her like she’s some kind of celebrity. That’s not something Fletcher would ever do.

Whether Dem voters are attracted to Moser because she makes a personal impression (favorable or not) or Fletcher, because she projects pragmatism and a focus on issues (sort of, no drama, Obama) remains to be seen.


Fuck the DNC, masquerading as the consensus political position of the Democratic Party.

Moser is clearly to the left of Fletcher. She supports single-payer healthcare and has called for impeaching President Trump, which local Democrats say could be a tough sell in the district.

OMG, Moser’s to the left of Fletcher!! She’s calling for the impeachment of the president! Sit down Moser, you’re rocking the boat, we have it under control. Never mind the past.


I get why the DCCC thought they needed to step into this race, but they stepped on a rake and smashed themselves in the face. There was never going to be an upside to getting involved in the primary. The DCCC will not be seen as a positive endorsement in this district (You’ve got the backing of the DC Democrats? Hell yes Texas GOP suburbanites gotta get some of that!), and they will invariably insult a sizable percentage of voters they will need in the general election. It smacks of paternalism (We think you people are just to dumb to vote for the correct candidate). The result was predictable - they elevated the candidate they wanted to diminish. Zero self-awareness.

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“Will National Democrats’ Top Primary Headache Win The Nomination Tuesday?”
What are National Democrats?

One could wish they were either as all-powerful as the Berners insist it is every time one of their darlings loses a primary or smart enough to notice that every time they try to do this it backfires spectacularly and just take a Prime Directive approach to every primary. It’s the part where they are neither that’s fucking killing me. When you suck at something, you need to recognize that you suck at it and then not do it. They suck at trying to tip primaries.

They have no idea how badly their argument that a boring candidate is more electable plays in a primary and they never seem to learn.

Indeed, the DCCC just seems to suck generally at doing anything except collecting money and passing it out. Their commercials suck, their strategizing sucks, their messaging sucks. I think maybe they need to just stick to their fucking core competencies.


They are. Their core competency is raising money from Wall Street, plutocrats, kleptocrats and oligarchs and then passing it out to their friends in the DC CONsultancy Class, while telling us stupid little voters to, “Sit down, and STFU! We got this…”


I was out walking in River Oaks for Moser on Friday. What I mostly found is that people in River Oaks don’t typically open their own doors.

That said, for anecdata, I observed a handful of Fletcher signs and none for Moser. Of the two (!) voters that I actually got a chance to engage with, one (32 yo) had already voted for Laura and was going to get her husband to do so as well and the other (64 yo) was solidly for Lizzie.

Heading out in an hour to do some final block walking.


To correct you, the DNC had nothing to do with this. The DCCC made a decision to run ads with the purpose of defeating Moser.


If Moser loses the run-off, then the DCCC strategy will have proven successful. In the primary, Moser was competitive because the center left vote was split 3 ways. They were trying to raise her negatives to help Alex T and Weston get over the bar, but the long-term goal was to alert those voters that they should support Fletcher in the run off should Moser get in. My guess is that voters who supported Alex T and the good Dr. are more likely to support Fletcher in the run off and she will retain most of her original primary vote. However, because run offs have lower turnout, Moser could make this close or win if her voters are more motivated. That said, Fletcher has raised and spent more money and has been pretty active so I would expect the same 5-8 point spread that we saw in the primary.


Glad you called. Thanks for the correction. Still stuck on the DNC and why they weren’t answerable for their past ‘crimes’. Tony Perez may have introduced a newer better DNC, but no one answers to the past.

Anyway, was tempted to ask you what you meant by ‘far left’ in your post but realized it’s way too subjective a question, taking up posters’ time and energy. Once the Democratic Party viewed Michael Moore as ‘far left’, I threw up my hands and gave up on how the Democratic Party reached that consensus.

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How is she on the left when she is anti union? From this she sounds like a real crazy quilt of positions.

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The fact that the DCCC/DNC/whichever Democratic powers that be are aggressively opposing a candidate means there’s a 90% chance I’ll prefer the candidate they’re opposing. You would have thought they would stop playing favorites after the 2016 debacle…

…but the Democratic powers that be want to piss and moan about unity, but will tear down any candidate they find mildly off-putting. I mean saying she never wants to move to rural Texas?! That’s the allegedly disqualifying statement?! Are you kidding me?!

And while Ms. Fletcher is right that being a partner in a law firm does not mean you endorse every case, you are the company you keep. Ms. Fletcher chose to be partners with the types of people who do accept cases that devastate unions. That says something about Ms. Fletcher’s character (only liberal when it’s convenient, I suppose?).


I would view Moore as far left, and I am not a fan of his. I liked his work on Fahrenheit 911 and Blowing for Columbine, but then he supported Nader in '00 and enabled Bush and also crapped all over the party in '16 to validate the 3rd party voter. Ultimately, the far left loses credibility with me when they support 3rd party candidates and focus on ‘anti-establishment’ when their lack of commitment to voting Dem enabled Bush, Trump and the far right GOP. So far, what I’ve seen in this election cycle is encouraging that those who are inclined to support a Sanders, Nader, Stein type message are in fact voting for Dems that are more center left in general elections. That is helping the far left to achieve some of their goals like making m4a more widely adopted (which I support) and the ban on PAC money (which I don’t support). Nonetheless, the far left’s greater willingness to support the party and eschew the attacks from Our Revolution is helping the party develop a larger, more active base.


Moore was a Nader supporter, who two days after the 2000 Election told a crowd, “Wait - we’ve made a terrible mistake!” No shit, Michael. Another example of white privilege.


Who are these Wall Street, plutocrats, kleptocrats and oligarchs who give so generously to the Democratic Party? Please, do tell.

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