Discussion: Will McGahn's No-Show Tip Dems Towards Impeachment?

that schumer quote has always gotten to me…

I mean, if he’d said “for every racist we loose, we’ll pick up two decent Republicans who are appalled by Trump’s divisiveness” I’d be okay. But to make it about “blue collar Democrats” vs “suburban Republicans” is just so elitist it makes my head spin…


I believe we should be starting inquiries, but playing devil’s advocate here… do you not think that regardless of how the Democrats start the fight, that the republicans won’t paint it as enthusiastic overreach?

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personally, if the courts say they can rule on Congress’ use of “inherent powers”, then that’s that.

Because if the courts have no power to constrain/limit congress’s “inherent” authority, neither does it have the power to constrain/limit the executive branch’s claims of executive privilege. You can’t say Congress can ignore a court order, and then demand that Trump comply with them…

Oh cool, Degette is one of my congress critters, sorta not really. Perlmutter is actually mine, I’m in the Denver burb’s, Degette is the rep for downtown Denver.

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They need to stop talking about doing something about it.

Welp, progress on getting information to the American People is going to have to come in the coming weeks.

What we have here is unsustainable. I can see that. We all can.

If it is any consolation, Trump is running the Roy Cohn S.O.P. and he is more scared than any of us.


Let me apologize for failing to include LGBTs and religious minorities in that too. I apologize. Maybe it’s a little irrational, maybe not, but I’m afraid that when impeachment fails in the Senate it’ll be followed by PP being able to credibly say to millions of fence sitters that he wasn’t guilty because he wasn’t impeached and no charges were brought. I don’t trust the media to make it clear WHY he wasn’t impeached and WHY charges weren’t brought. I don’t trust the Democrats to message effectively. And I trust the voters even less than I trust the Dems messaging and the media’s reporting.


are you asking if the GOP will try and paint it as over-reach

or are you assuming that they will succeed in painting it as over-reach?

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please stop right there…

Impeachment doesn’t have to fail in the Senate – if for no other reason than impeachment doesn’t have to go to the Senate. There is NOTHING that even requires the House to send articles of impeachment to the Senate after they have been passed.

So stop worrying about Democrats shooting themselves in the foot just because you hand them a gun. Because unless they are stupid enough to load that gun, aim it at their foot, and pull the trigger, its not going to happen.


I’m assuming that they will succeed in painting it as over reach. I tend to agree with you that they are quite a bit better at messaging than the left.

tl;dr - It doesn’t matter how we approach impeachment because the right is going to message it how they’re going to message it, and the left will write a sternly worded letter about that, after the fact. Regardless, we need to get this shit show kicked off. Pulling the rug back and turning the lights on will show the country what kind of cockroaches they are. The left will be incensed, and the right will call us libtard snowflakes.


My argument is with those who see the aforementioned as a presumable slam dunk.

Now I’ve got set straight (at least I thought I had), but it seems that you have more to say, so have at it


We have time, We have resources…

Just yesterday, Lawrence had the most positive show he had had in weeks. Even Jim Himes was making sense.

Trump has the Roy Cohn playbook down pat…Bluster, lie, ignore bad news (publicly), deflect, lie some more and use the tools available. In this case it is the Appeals Process. An Appeals Process which made the great news of last night disappear in a fog of nightmares which end with Clarence Thomas and Bret Kavanaugh ruling our democracy away

What is wrong with us right now is that we have never had such a criminal and traitor at the helm of the levers of power and nearly all of our reactions to this man are bound by perceptions, people, norms, procedures and protocols of a bygone age (which ended in 2015)

If WE complain about Trumpists idiotically holding on to outdated things, how can we not recognize that this is the same thing for us? We have to get more even-tempered and much much sharper in our focus.

For starters, the messaging of the Democrats is OFF

Our position on the ground is much better than on March 22, 2019. The problem is that we let Barr get in the Henhouse and hide the evidence against Trump (see above…re: norms and procedures).


you’re right, the GOP does have better messaging…

but it doesn’t have to be that way. I mean, all Pelosi has to do is say "this is THE talking point until further notice…

who cares if Trump thought the investigation was unfair? We were attacked, and Trump puts his personal concerns above our national security?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"


Yes, and why WH would want impeachment hearings I don’t know. Maybe they really are that stupid?

Maybe the .01% supporting Trump want his crimes in the open so they can dump him and shove some other puppet into the WH?

But why do the democrats think impeachment would hurt them? Just because the obviously corrupt Russia-controlled Senate wouldn’t go along?

The repugs failed at impeaching Clinton, but weakened and frightened the democratic party.

So weakened they’ve been scared to fight back ever since. Twenty (20) years they’ve allowed the repugs to steamroll them, even when the democrats were majorities all 3 branches of the government, and had been elected with a mandate, they allowed repugs direct the show. Probably at the direction of Wall Street/Bankers/Med Insurance companies (aka: their donors) they let the repugs screw the ACA … and called it “working together”, which repugs never do except to vote for some massive military giveaway.

And that’s the plan for 2020: that is why the Establishment .01% are gung-ho for Biden, and why the polls support him when the people don’t. Biden will be another Obama and try pretend to “work with” his deadly enemies who hate democrats and the American people.

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So the House holds Impeachment hearings which are successful. Then they send it to the Senate, wherein McConnell sits on it. Trump declares himself vindicated. Then what?

nailed it

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dear sir, please accept the hitting of the 1,000 likes button in your honor


this is the key - to go after these guys - 45* won’t save him and he’d topple in a minute without mcconnell


DOJ just asked Congress to go eff themselves with a knitting needle.

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