Discussion: Will Harris Run Again? The Lingering Question After An Explosive Hearing

If they insist on another election, because of the reasons one is needed, it should be between the same candidates. By holding new primaries, in this case it means the Republicans get a free do-over likely with a new candidate. I hope the Dem party and PACS chip in big time for ads featuring Harris’ son and reciting Dowless’ history of corruption in Republican elections. Plus Harris’ failure to concede despite the admitted wrongdoing on his behalf.
Where is the ‘honor’ of the GOP? Whatever was left of it is gone with the discarded absentee ballots showing votes for Democratic candidates.


Harris cited two strokes he had recently suffered

Going for the sympathy vote in the GOP primary seems like a dicey proposition to me


I know it isn’t politically convenient, but I think it’s the right thing to have a new primary.

Harris didn’t just cheat in the general, he barely won the primary too.


OK, I live in NC and I don’t get his. Don’t get me wrong - I totally get that Republicans are unapologetic ratfuckers, that will never change.

BUT, how is it that you can lie and cheat and lie and cheat - and EVERYBODY knows it - and you aren’t going to jail?


“Harris demanded a new election before storming out of the hearings Thursday, claiming that the evidence had been ‘tainted,’”

Harris had his people confiscate the evidence, fill in the remaining blanks, scribble on them, add a few doodles, shuffle them like a deck of cards, dump a bucket of randomized DNA on the stack, play poker with them, turn them all back in, then pleaded that they had been “tainted.”


Because Higdon, the US Attorney for Eastern NC, is more focused, laser focused, on individuals that voted illegally, as opposed to his Republican party methods of rigging an election. But charges can still come…they would have come faster if Harris had been brown.

ETA: This should put more pressure on Higdon to investigate Harris and Bladen County elections, but by other reporting Higdon seems to be another Kobach.


My understanding is that it is being investigated by both the DOJ and the DA in Wake County.

I presume Dowless’ goose is thoroughly cooked, but whether or not Harris has any criminal liability is still an open question.

I find it interesting that he chose to testify at all to the elections board. I guess he thought he had a shot at getting his “victory” certified and it was worth the risk, though he quickly came to his senses when he was in the hot seat.


His hair cut exemplifies his phoniness.


If it had turned out that any significant percentage of those absentee ballots were sent to, or crossed paths with, non-citizens, Harris would be sitting in a cell right now.

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Think it’s time for Harris to slink away, spend a little more time with Jesus, and pay attention to his health problems. Two strokes in one year is not a positive thing.

I believe I read that he used the same tricks in the primary and the person he ran against did not find out until this scandal erupted. If he used this guy before and squeaked out a surprise win before it would be fair, but not until the republicans condemn him for it. .

I have to admit I am petty enough to wonder what it will be like around Easter dinner table.

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recently was after he hired this guy, s punish him for what he did.

Hell, yes he should run. The Republicans should be saddled with him.


Maybe Higdon, the attorney obsessed with illegals trying to vote could put a little fire power into home grown voter fraud.
@allegra - Well written article. Comments not open so…

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Pulling an “Uncle Junior” is always the go-to move when criminals have no others.

Mark Harris should be indicted.


He has had two strokes, is forgetful and confused…sounds like a good Republican candidate.


Can the dem candidate sue in civil court to recoup any of the money he spent on an election he ran in good faith? Because he seems to have royally gotten the shaft here.


As appealing that is as a Democrat who would enjoy watching that rerun, we must remember that the people whose interests we must protect are those voters in the district. They deserve a fresh candidate slate.