Discussion for article #235214
They might, but they will need to understood what “Apostasy” means first.
Rubio’ only path to the nomination is if he becomes the establishment candidate instead of Bush or Walker. The conservative alternate is looking like it will be Cruz, so there isn’t really a path to the nomination. Cruz is the new and improved Rubio.
I am no fan of Marco Rubio, but I would at least have some actual respect for the man if he had the spine to stand by his (supposed) principles. When anyone does the sort of weaving around these folks do, nobody can trust what they say about anything. I’m not talking about genuine evolving beliefs or understandings on any given issue. In this case, Rubio started out as possibly someone on the other side of the aisle who you might be able to meet halfway or work with on difficult subjects – but he ran so hard and fast from his own work, he ended up being a sad laughing stock.
Rubio has yet to prove that he can obtain the support of a majority of voters in his own state. He peaked a long time ago.
Why not? Plenty of Republican voters are stupid enough to think that Mark O’Rubio is really Irish…
Nate Silver thinks he sits third behind Shrub III and The College Dropout.
I see Rubio as this year’s Pawlenty dropping out after the Iowa Straw Poll places him behind Mickey Mouse…
There was an all-out love-fest for Rubio at the beginning of Morning Joe today. Not that it will convince everyone, it’s likely the same honeymoon phenomenon that happened after Paul’s announcement before reality quickly came around. But it was pretty sickening.
He is clearly the media’s favorite at the moment… of course Christie was also the media favorite for awhile, too, so he shouldn’t get his hopes up on that. Plus being the “establishment” media favorite isn’t necessarily helpful in a primary since they think the media is “out to get them.”
Who cares. But there’s probably still a seat in the clown car, so why not.
I thought it referred to the orgasm that occurs when a teabagger’s comment on RedState.com gets upvoted.
You heard it here first: the GOP ticket in 2016 will be Walker/Rubio. Bernie Sanders will run as an independent because progressives are convinced that Hillary Clinton eats middle-class babies for breakfast with Jamie Dimon, and Scott Walker will become the first man elected President since Truman without a college degree. One day after his inauguration Ruth Ginsberg will succumb to a heart attack, and Walker will nominate Ted Cruz to be her replacement. Cruz’s confirmation by the Senate will cement the reactionary majority on the Court, and during Walker’s first term the Court will rule that Obamacare, Social Security, Medicare, the EPA, abortion rights, and voting Democratic are all unconstitutional.
Rubio is the lightest of lightweights. I wouldn’t let this guy park my car if it was raining. His chances for the presidency are Jindalesque, at best… in other words, ZERO.
Hey, even a snowman in hell has a chance…
If they could figure out his position, they might…but it’s changed so many times, figuring it out may be impossible.
I’m old enough to remember when “flip-flopping” was a serious slur against a candidate, but I guess times have changed.
In 2010, Rubio didn’t even get 50% of the vote in the Florida Senate race. There’s no way this guy can run successfully for the presidency. The talk here in Florida is that he doesn’t really want the presidential nomination. He just wants to keep his name in the press for a potential run for Florida Governor.
“Markus” Rubio flip-flops? That’s a feature, not a bug!
In the coming weeks, dozens of “undocumented features” will bubble up and lead his poll numbers safely back to zero Drink!
Marco Rubio: The Little Train That Couldn’t