Discussion: Will Delegitimizing A Clinton Presidency Outlast Trump's Campaign?


Lasted 8 years under Obama. I don’t see why they would stop now.


I saw a clip of Gary Johnson (L) on tv this morning saying how catastrophic Clinton and Trump would both be for America.

Not the same thing but close enough.


This is why Democrats need to win The House of Representatives, and at least make gains in the The Senate. So Republicans can’t obstruct everything Clinton tries to do. Down ballot and mid term elections are just as important, if not more then presidential elections.


Hmm. I was mostly familiar with Theda as a TPM commenter. Who knew she was a Harvard professor! :wink:


Nothing new with that tactic. The Republicans have been doing it to Obama for eight years. And they literally impeached the last Dem Pres…Bill Clinton. The answer is. Vote the GOP out of the Senate and Congress. Congress is a bit tougher But the Senate is within reach. GOTV.


If the Republicans don’t talk about impeachment hearings for Clinton before Nov. 8, I will be shocked.
“Don’t vote for Hillary because she will be impeached, tried in criminal court, convicted and locked up.”


Will Delegitimizing A Clinton Presidency Outlast Trump’s Campaign?


What to do about it?

Remember that the good is not the enemy of the perfect. Remember that HRC will go left if she is convinced she and her supporters will lose elections if she doesn’t, i.e., we have to vote in every, single, local, state and Congressional election for our candidates. Remember that you will not get the candidates you like elected by sitting around watching the news but by getting out on the street in August, September and October of every year and registering people who think like you and on election day helping to get them to the polls.

That way those who would tear down everyone on our side will be nothing more than jackasses braying in the wind.


This is a given. Remember, BTW, that this is the same party who told everyone to “get over it,” when Bush “won” the Presidency with fewer popular votes than his opponent.
President Clinton should give the Republicans a grace period of a month or so to work with her like adults and responsible representatives. After that, screw them.


Will Delegitimizing A Clinton Presidency Outlast Trump’s Campaign?

Uh yes, that would be an affirmatory. The chances that Republicans will stop delegitimizing Clinton just because she wins the election are, let’s see, carry the two… zero.

They started Obama’s Presidency claiming that he was illegitimate, partly because he’s part African American and partly just because he’s a Democrat and they’re fanatics. And they kept it up right to the end, through two terms. She’s female and a Democrat so, yes the show will go on.


As an optimist, I muse that the American people will finally fight back against the obstructionist do nothings in Congress compelling them to do their jobs.The hatred for Clinton is at a fever pitch…expect the acrimony to continue until WE have had enough…


They’re going to double down on Hillary. You thought the way the GOP endlessly dumped on Obama was bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet!


No grace period.

Go for their throats at the start!


Especially since they take their talking points and propaganda straight, with no ice, water or chaser from FOX, Breitbart, Drudge, Hannity, Limbaugh, OReilly et al. The GOP has not ever had an adult “filter” vis a vis these voices inside its head and the heads of what has become its “base.”


I would like to see the GOTP crushed in November. I want to see the Dems retake the Senate and make inroards in the House. I want to see them pick up more seats during the '18 and '20 House races. THEN…I want them to do away with the (formerly) GOTP gerrymandered districts that they have ginned up to keep themselves in power. Is that possible? It is if Dems don’t sit out those elections. The DNC needs to put good candidates and $$$ into GOTV efforts for EVERY election, not just those during POTUS years,


I know Bernie has done all (or mostly) the right things since endorsing Clinton, but this was one of my fears when he kept questioning the legitimacy of the nominating process. Trump picked up the Sanders campaign drumbeat back then that Clinton and the Democrats were stealing the election from Sanders, and the extension to the general just makes sense.

I know the GOP has been talking about voter fraud and Dem illegitimacy for years, but they hadn’t done it with Democratic cover. Now they can say, “See, even Bernie agrees the Clintons steal elections!”


Exactly what I was thinking although Obama had the 1st 2 years with some D help. Wish he’d push further then. Hope she wins in landslide that pulls congress left.

Edit: And she push hard left!


" but they could lay a foundation for Republicans in 2017 and beyond to obstruct her agenda if she is elected."

Thats making the assumption that the GOP will still have a majority,seems like Trump is bringing night sweats to the GOP.


It’s also going to set up for a President Cruz in 2020.


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What’s new to this new normal for Republican’s is the insinuation that the whole system is rigged. That delegitizes everyone.